There's a line in the roundtable discussion transcript I just posted that sums it up pretty well for me:
David Cobbs: The problem we all face is our voting system, which is forcing voters to vote against what they hate rather than for what they really want.
And... there's a scene in Matt Groenings "Futurama" that really knocked me off: In the year 3000 there's a political debate on TV:
Leela: Look, I know there are no car chases but this is important. One of these two men will become president of the world.
Fry: What do we care? We live in the United States.
Leela: The United States is part of the world.
Fry: Wow! I have been gone a long time.
[One of the candidates, Jack Johnson, begins the debate.]
Johnson: [on TV] It's time someone had the courage to stand up and say: "I'm against those things that everybody hates".
[The other candidate is John Jackson.]
Jackson: [on TV] Now I respect my opponent. I think he's a good man but, quite frankly, I agree with everything he just said!
Fry: These are the candidates? They sound like clones. [He looks a little harder.] Wait a minute. They are clones!
Leela: Don't let their identical DNA fool you. They differ on some key issues.
Johnson: [on TV] I say your three cent titanium tax goes too far.
Jackson: [on TV] And I say your three cent titanium tax doesn't go too far enough!
Fry: If I were registered to vote, I'd send these clowns a message by staying home on election day and dressing up like a clown.