Some info about Deprovera Side Effects...what kinds of?

Reply Sat 18 Sep, 2004 12:10 am
Hi anyone out there...I see no posts listed for this topic in about a year now, but I'm hoping there's still someone listening that can help me.

I'm a guy....got a problem with my girlfriend and need some help and knowledge...figured this might be a good place to start...

My g/f's been on the shot for a looooooong time, just guessin here, but i think a couple years now.

When she gets near the time to get the needle again she gets a bit moody.....kinda distant from me.
Is that "normal"?

Well this time it's worse!...WAY WORSE!

Only, somethin don't fit, ya know?...Shes been distant from me for a couple months now.
Last week she's tells me she needs "space"...
This week (after not seein her for a week, mostly due to our work schedules), when I tried to hug her when I saw her, she threw me off her!...

Now, okay...maybe cuz she was at work...dunno...but tonight, I show up at her house, give her a hug and a kiss, and she gives me a line of bull about bein there when she didn't expect to see me...bad enough that I felt it best to leave....

By the time I'd gotten home she'd IM'd me, claiming hormones all outta whack...IM'd her back when I got here...yadda yadda...called me at my request...discussed a few "particulars" that've been going on...(and not going on)...

So I finally let her know what I'd been wondering the past two months...

Yeah...was scared to ask.....had to.....

She says nothin like that's goin on.....she wouldn't do that...respects me too much...yadda, yadda, yadda....

So anyway...
She's been going on and on for the past few weeks about how her friends, co-workers and even kids are all upset cuz she's bein so witchy to 'em all...

Now, here's my question.....

She's claiming "Hormonal Imbalance"...could this be true?
Or are "other" factors more likely?

She also says she needs to find a different kind of birth control
(not like we need it at this point)...

Even if no one has any medical FACTS to back up their statements, I'd appreciate opinions and a vote on the poll as to what your gut instincts tell you.......thanks

Hopefully someone out there has some expierience with this kinda thing...

The last time my senses felt like this...I wound up divorced!

Thanks a Bunch!
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 32,039 • Replies: 19
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Reply Sat 18 Sep, 2004 05:09 pm
I don't know anything about Deprovera... but I'd lay 3 to 1 you already know where this is going. When your instinct tells you something, it's usually a good idea to listen. Curiously though, you don't seem to mind. At best, she's bored out of her skull in your relationship. Are you, too? IMO, people need a reason to stay together, not to split up.
Good luck and welcome to A2K!
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Reply Sat 18 Sep, 2004 05:24 pm
Here ya go...there's a lot of info on this site. To find it click search at the top of the page and write deprovera in the search engine.

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Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2004 10:43 am
Well, I can tell you from personal experience that the Depo shot does give you mood swings but not like how your girlfriend is acting. I usually would get mood swings a couple days after I got the shot but I was fine after that. Everyone is differant though. I think you know somethings up. Maybe she's just not that into you anymore or has found someone else and doesnt want to let you go yet. Sounds to me shes using this Depo shot as an excuse.
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Reply Fri 29 Oct, 2004 01:45 pm
hi!! Very Happy i have been on the shot before after i had my first child.i really had no side effects.i had no period which was awsome.i was on it for 2 1/2 years.i dont know what is going on with your g/f,but the way im seeing it is she doesnt want to be with you anymore.or she has a really big problem.id confront her,and ask her where you guys stand.she could really be having bad mood swings,if so she needs to go to the doctor or just quit taking the shot for about 6 months to see if that is whats causing it.but seriously i know alot of ppl who have taken the shot and they dont have mood swings like ur g/f.id just try to talk to her and tell her just to quit the shot for a while to see if thats the problem.good luck to you guys. Smile
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Reply Wed 3 Nov, 2004 02:41 am
I have been doing the Depo for about 3 yrs now and i tell ya, i am acting exactly how your woman sounds and its driving me crazy!!! I blame my poor poor (but MUCH LOVED) husband for everything buy i know i have issues and they've gotta be hormonel because im starting to act all crazy like i did on the pill (as alot of other women do). Not to mention ive put on 12kg (that could very well be your womans problem!). Anyway, ive decided to go with the IUV thing. It has no hormone issue crap attached to it so i should become reletively sane (fingers crossed). IF this is infact your womans prob, assist her in changing to a contraception that DOES NOT affect her hormones! If she is still being a dick about 2mths after, kick her to the curb Smile
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Reply Sun 21 Nov, 2004 06:59 am
Re: Some info about Deprovera Side Effects...what kinds of?
I have a reply to the question you posted. I myself, have been on the depo shot for 11 years(the longest I have heard of anyone being on it). What your girlfriend is going through is normal in the first year or two of being on the shot. I was the same way, but after awhile your body gets use to the shot and you don't experience many side effects. If she is still on the depo after a year or so and is still acting that way then it's her. I get upset when I here women complain of a decrease in sex drive, because my b/f can't keep up with my sexual needs. My only concern with the depo is being on it for so long, I'm afraid that when I want children that I'm not going to be able to have them.
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lilbummy 03
Reply Wed 1 Dec, 2004 12:35 am
are you blind
Ok if you cant figure it out obviously she doesnt wanna make you feel bad and she doesnt want you anymore is what I am getting from it but I dont know you relationship but thats what it sounds like to me
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Reply Sun 5 Dec, 2004 01:26 pm
Hey I just want to shine some light on this deprovera. I have been taking it for the last 6 mths.. I was previously on Birth Control. I have been with my fiance for 5 year and he has noticed a big change in my attitude. You are not alone guy...(igottagetaname). My suggestion is that there is some kinda hormonal imbalance with the new contreceptive. I am definitaly going to get off of it ASAP!!! Its great that there are no periods and stuff, but is that really natural? no.. somethings gotta give! And i think this is what it is.
Tell he to go see the doctor and see if she can change to a contreceptive that has no hormone changing stuff in it.. Because I definitly am right away, it is wreaking my relationship emotionally and physically! I am going crazy... what normal 21 year old does not want it anymore??
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Reply Sat 18 Dec, 2004 10:13 am
I just logged on to do a google search on side effects of the Depo. I ran into this forum and could instantly relate. I feel like I have to reply even though the original post was months ago. I've never posted to a forum such as this so I feel slightly weird. This is my 2nd time around on the shot. The first time I felt it was a miracle drug. I had a decrease in migraines, no periods, and only a slightly hormonal change when I would normally have premenstrual symptoms anyways. A loss of insurance and no need for a birth control caused me to go off after about 3 years. Later I was dating a wonderful guy who also happened to have an allergic reaction to condoms. Aha, the shot! It was the miracle drug - it would solve 2 problems with one stone. I was wrong. The second time around I've had severe mood swings. I cry at commercials, I snap at my children, my co-workers, etc. My life is seemingly better to any outside observer, but I seem to make mountains out of mo hills. After which I can only say I'm sorry and feel like an ass. Last night I had a horrible fight with this "wonderful guy" who I still feel was in the wrong, but I know for a fact I completely over reacted. I can't let something sit. I boil, I fume, I get more and more upset. We're now living together and I actually made him leave last night. I thought he'd go to a store or something and give us the much needed time away. Instead, he left.. on foot. He's later msgd me online and I know he's okay. I've got a good feeling he's now staying at the University to which he has keys and is a very long walk in the cold. All I needed was time. I couldnt sit down and read a book or play spades on here. Instead I pushed and pushed and pushed. I could rationalize in my head that I was wrong. I knew I was over reacting, but I couldn't stop! I've consulted my doctor about this and all she can suggest in Primrose. She hasn't suggested I get off the shot or offered an alternative. I wonder if the same side effects come about from the patch? Anyone know? Are all hormone based birth controls capable of making me the monster I know I'm not.
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Reply Thu 2 Mar, 2006 12:45 am
Hey igottagetaname,
I agree wholeheartedly w/some of the others responding more in depth to your despair. I've been on the shot before for about a yr (this is my 2nd go-around after being off it for a yr) and thought it was fantastic.
Good news, coming from a daughter of a medical professional, everybody responds differently to medicine. Since this stuff messes w/the body's hormones (by stopping the periods by making the body think the body = pregnant) it's essentially playing a nasty little trick on the body. I'm no medical professional, but what I know (ask a MD to clarify) is that since this stuff affects the hormones, it could affect mood. Thus the mood swings.
Now for a more personal take. 1st time on the shot: no problem. This time, I think I'm having different side affects: I'm more confrontational w/my much-loved b/f; things bother me more than they use to (little stupid stuff; I bring dirty laundry up w/my b/f when I know it's stupid to do so); I'm not as unaffected by little things as I use to; I cry for stupid stuff like over stuff that happened when I was a kid. I'm getting headaches too (I've got one right now; not quite sure what they're from; could be any number of things, but I've never gotten them this frequently before); I constantly gain and lose weight (despite watching what I eat). It also makes me a little edgy (consciously, though) when I gotta go get it, cause the concept is a weird one: you're intercepting nature's course (even though I'm not necessarily a nature-fanatic); you're stopping a cycle that is suppose to take place.
If what the other girl says is true about emotions & other stuff leveling out after the initial yr, then help her through it. Stick w/her. Tell her how much you care about her. Remember, there is no real looong term research on this stuff, so she could very well be wondering if this stuff is going to prevent her from having healthy kids later in life.
I've tried the patch: made me sick as a dog!!! I'm not very good w/pills and the other alternatives seem a bit inconvenient. I'm going to give it another yr to see if things level out.
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Reply Sun 9 Jul, 2006 07:08 pm
I have been on and off the shot for about four yrs now. What your g/f is experiencing is normal. I go threw it to and I love my fiance very much. Please ask her to go talk to her doctor. Did you also know that after two years your bones start to fade away. She should well every woman should go get checked out after being on the shot for a while. well I hope everything goes good.........if Im not to late
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Reply Sun 9 Jul, 2006 07:10 pm
one question......has anyone experienced fatigue..I can't stop sleeping
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Reply Thu 3 Aug, 2006 03:29 pm
Re: Some info about Deprovera Side Effects...what kinds of?
any kind of birth control can screw up your hormones diffrent people respond diffrently to diffrent things also.
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Reply Thu 24 Aug, 2006 10:05 pm
please read this
Confused ok first off not every one is the same. for the first time not long ago i received my first shot. it hurt like hell and i have 4 kids so needles don't scare me. about a week ago my husband asked if we could sit and talk. of course i did and what he had to say seemed a lot like what you said. i can tell you i have been married foe 11 years now and i have never cheated on him and never would he is the love of my life. from what he told me i'm NOT the same fun loving out going person i once was. i hope this helps. i think you really need to have a good sit down with her and just talk. i'm not saying shes cheating and i'm not not saying she isn't. just sit and talk. hope that help any. god bless hope nothing but happiness
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Reply Tue 21 Nov, 2006 05:12 am
Hello, I have been on Depo for about six months, in that time I have quit smoking. I don't know if its the DEPO Shot or the smoking or the combo but I have bad mood swings. Which I didn't have this bad before. Also, a BIG side effect with Depo Shot is your BONES!! My doc. told me not to be on it more then one year because it is VERY hard on your bones. This is a side effect they didn't really know about until recently. I will be switching birth control.
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Reply Thu 29 Mar, 2007 02:09 am
dude take it from me!!!
okay now i dont know your gf... but as a gf who was on depo for 2 years... i know how painfull it can be and how emotional, bitchy, and confused we get while on it... man depo was made out to be this miracle birth control , and it really isnt. after being on it for two years i started getting the symtoms of being pregnant, and i wasnt... then i started crying for no reason at least two or thre times a day, and it was all unexplanitory! no lie, nor exageration.... anyways after i consulted my doctor about deprovera, he told me i was not supposed to be on the birtch control shot for more than 2 years.... :::grrrrreat ::: so yeah then i find out it completely knowcked my hormones out of wack and i wont be able to take any birth control for at least a year if i ever want to be normal again... and then come to find out the hormones had been eating away at my spinal tisue... so yeah tell your girlfriend to get off depo and try not being on birth control fora while even if it means no sex or using condoms... just cause it could really mess her up.. this isnt a gag.. im not bs'ing you.. this is the honest to God truth..... I am true life story about how bad an imbalance in hormones can make you... just thinkof it as if she were pregnant.. you are dealing with a non pregnant pregnant woman... so to speak.. but yeha tell her to get off ... hope my advice helps.... sincerely Felicia :wink:
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Reply Fri 28 Sep, 2007 11:05 pm
deprovera is not the coincidence you are looking for
There is no coincidence. It is not the Depro!!! I am 3 months now out of my 4 and half year relationship, that for the last year I blamed on hormone imbalance, but it was really due to the fact that I was chicken **** and didn't want to break his heart and tell him I didn't love him the same way I once had. I was moody and irritable and had terrible anxiety and would cry at the drop of a hat.

I am sorry to tell you....this is no mere coincidence.....she is acting the way she is, because she is chicken **** and this is her way of trying to drive you away.

When I came to terms with having to tell him. I realized that I was the only one that could do it. It's really quite selfish of her (me also) to carry on in such a way. It is not your fault…

She is going to break up with you. And probably soon too....ESPECIALLY because she wont let you touch her.

Take it from me.....I am her (metaphorically speaking of course).

And just to give you a time line….I started having second thoughts about him in June of 06 and then in about October of 06 I broke it off, but when he cried and came back to my place (2 days later), it killed me inside (because he is a really good person), and he wanted to get back together….so I agreed. We had sex once in October. My feelings never changed, but then I became scared….We had sex once more in January…..and then I continued to push him away…..no more sex since…I broke up with him August 06 2007.

It's not the Depro. Listen to your gut!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 28 Sep, 2007 11:05 pm
deprovera is not the coincidence you are looking for
There is no coincidence. It is not the Depro!!! I am 3 months now out of my 4 and half year relationship, that for the last year I blamed on hormone imbalance, but it was really due to the fact that I was chicken **** and didn't want to break his heart and tell him I didn't love him the same way I once had. I was moody and irritable and had terrible anxiety and would cry at the drop of a hat.

I am sorry to tell you....this is no mere coincidence.....she is acting the way she is, because she is chicken **** and this is her way of trying to drive you away.

When I came to terms with having to tell him. I realized that I was the only one that could do it. It's really quite selfish of her (me also) to carry on in such a way. It is not your fault…

She is going to break up with you. And probably soon too....ESPECIALLY because she wont let you touch her.

Take it from me.....I am her (metaphorically speaking of course).

And just to give you a time line….I started having second thoughts about him in June of 06 and then in about October of 06 I broke it off, but when he cried and came back to my place (2 days later), it killed me inside (because he is a really good person), and he wanted to get back together….so I agreed. We had sex once in October. My feelings never changed, but then I became scared….We had sex once more in January…..and then I continued to push him away…..no more sex since…I broke up with him August 06 2007.

It's not the Depro. Listen to your gut!
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Reply Fri 21 Dec, 2007 08:01 pm
Previous Depo user
So I realize this reply is way way late but I was exactly like your girlfriend when I was on depo. I had just given birth to my second child and he died a hour after birth and I wasn't sure I ever wanted to go through that again and I swear I have the worst memory ever so I went on Depo right away. Very soon after I turned into someone I didn't know and I could see it but I couldn't seem to stop myself. I would push my husband away everytime he would come anywhere near me. I was just so moody. I am glad he didn't try to act like I was being that way on purpose and when we found out that it was a side effect of the birth control I stopped it asap. Now it's been 5 months since my last shot and I am still moody but really hoping this stuff gets out of my system soon. We're trying to conceive now and can't because the shot still has my system all messed up.

Other side effect I had was period for over a month then no bleeding for a month then another peroid for over a month and now I just can't seem to get it to start back up.
I get super bad head aches
sick to my stomach with alot of smells
tired most of the time
weight gain and I am on a diet and work-out regularly
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