Fri 17 Sep, 2004 09:46 pm
Some guy has been annoying me on another forum, and posting in misspelled hebrew. I was wondering if you guys could help me translate? I cought one spelling error, but I know there are more.
1)Elohim rotse larog otha
2)Yesh po yehudeem, aval me kan yodeha eevreet
The second one wasn't directed to me and thus I don't think it was bad, but I still would like to know.
Oh yes, and hi everyone, hope to have fun here!
1) Elohim is God
Rotse is want or wants
Larog I couldn't find
otha is someone
2) Yesh seems to mean there
Po seems to mean f'ing
Yehudeem is Jews
Aval I think means wife
Me - too many hits to check
Kan seems to mean here
Yodeha I believe is yodecha, which I think is hand
Eevreet is Hebrew
So, neither statement is particularly nice.
Yesh po yehudim = there are Jews here (yesh = there is/there are, po = here)
The second part is strange. Aval = but, Yodecha, as he said, is "your hand", but it could also be yehuda, "Jew" misspelled, and eevreet is "hebrew". I don't know about "me" and "kan", but "kan" could be "ken" = yes.
1)Elohim rotse larog otha
god wants to kill you
2)Yesh po yehudeem, aval me kan yodeha eevreet
there are jews here but who knows hebrew