Hi Frank,
I apologize for the late reply. I am currently involved on at least 10 forums of various nature so I get a bit behind at times in my responses. Please don't think I have bowed out or rudely left, rather I am just running late.
Now on to your reply.
You wrote:
Quote:Gimme a break. We didn't agree on anything of the sort.
You asked if I could think of a God greater than the god of the Bible...and I am giving a few hypotheticals.
I have no idea if the universe is a creation or not...AND MY VERY STRONG GUESS IS, NEITHER DO YOU!
Frank, the "hypothetical" here is if you, as you correctly stated, could create a god greater then the one revealed in Scripture. I asked how your god would deal with "creation"? You replied that your god would simply create it, correct?
Hence we agree that the universe (in this hypothetical) is created.
As for my personal belief regarding the universe, I hold that the universe speaks of design, intelligence and purpose. I do not believe that time+chance = life.
You wrote, in response to me asking if your god would use a pre-existing material or create ex nihilo -and- if your god is outside of time and space:
Quote:This is a hypothetical...let the god do whatever you want it to do.
While this may be a hypothetical it is a valid question regarding the abilities of your god. The G-d revealed in Scripture spoke the universe into existence, hence the G-d of Scripture is outside of time and space. If G-d had used a "material" which was pre-existing then it would bring into question, perhaps, the Eternalness and Omnipotence of G-d. This then would further handicap G-d as being Sovereign.
To my statement/question below:
Since your god would not be "offended" by anything humans would do your god is a moral god. This then raises the question, could a moral god really take a "hands off" position regarding his creation?
You responded with:
Quote:Why not? Do you want to limit what a god can do?
My point here was that you qualified your god as being a moral god because you wrote that he would not be "offended" by anything humans would do. You are a "moral" person and father (perhaps?) and you would not just sit by as your children went morally bankrupt. You would seek to intervene I am sure. Your god must be greater than you for no effect can be greater than its cause, hence your gods morals would not allow him to just stand in the shadows.
You wrote:
Quote:Try to be reasonable and logical.
I believe I am
Thank you,