Ohh where to start? She's amazing. Absolutely amazing. I've been through a lot of puppy love throughout my childhood (I'm 18 now) but this is different. In fact I'm not even jumping to love just yet. But anyways, I met her getting my first job (gas station). We immediately had chemistry (not sexually more socially). We moved out of town to run a new store. There has been a lot of stress. But she takes it all away. Everybit of it in the time we spend together. We have grown close being all alone together out in God knows. I Even went to her sisters wedding
. We are also very similar. Same shortish hair, same smile, same face structure, same height, we're both skinny but in good shape. We both grew up the same way. We have the same perfect teeth with one messed up tooth (same tooth too). Literally, no joke, people ask us like 3-4 times a day if we're brother and sister. But onto the love psychology part, normally I would want to be with said girl should I form a crush. But it's not like that with her, she seems happy to be friends and it doesn't bother me one bit. I'd do anything and be anyone for her. Be it friend or mate, or even if she wanted me to leave her life. We are not all alike though. She's everything I'm missing. She challenges me in ways I can't even describe. You all should all probably know that I'm mentally ill. Early on psychological abuse (and later neglected until now because I can take care of myself) has left me broken. My thought process if fucked, and I'm incapable of consistent clear thinking. It's not depression. But it's extremely frustrating and stressful. But I feel like I'm finally healing after meeting her. I feel a confidence nos that I've never felt. Maybe even a sense of peace. And it's all because of her. The feeling she gives me overall, I can't quite describe it. But I've never respected anyone more in my entire life. She is a good person. And I mean that. She really is good honest and brave down to her core. She's just...so amazing. I don't even know how to put it. To anyone who is taking the time to give me their thoughts, I appreciate it