Wed 15 Sep, 2004 02:06 pm
and for some political within the party reasons that could I suppose, be discussed endlessly, is just taking one for the team?
Why else would he just lie down as he has when there is so much ammo to fire at bush?
This is a serious question......please no Hillary Clinton theories......
I really think that maybe he is trying to come up with some type of cohesive strategy. With time growing short, maybe he realizes that whatever strategy he chooses will be the one he lives and dies with as he will not be able to switch paths again. Just a guess.
I thought maybe he was laying low after the convention. It seemed like for a while there, with the images they had painted of him fresh in the mind, everything he said sounded weak. I'm hoping he is just regrouping.
Has anyone considered that the dems picked the wrong candidate in a rush to bump out Howard Dean during the primaries? The dems figured that the negative Bush sentiment meant that any dem in the running could beat Bush.
Kerry "looked" mainstream next to a shrieking Howard Dean.
Kerry was a grave miscalculation for the dems, after the election they will privately admit that. Clinton beat a republican because he could at least fake being a moderate. Kerry can't.
Kerry makes Mondale and Dukakis look like very good choices.
Hillary in 2008 is the dems silver lining in the current political cloud.
Kerry is a closet republican not unlike Clinton. Clinton looked and sounded good, Kerry does not. Has nothing to do with actual issues.
dyslexia wrote:Kerry is a closet republican not unlike Clinton. Clinton looked and sounded good, Kerry does not. Has nothing to do with actual issues.
Kucinich can see his way in now, never let up.
Kerry is realy a plant by Karl Rove to secure a second Bush term.
Most polls show that Kerry is running neck to neck against a sitting president - maybe I'm mistaken but I think that's pretty rare. Typically, doesn't the incumbent have a huge advantage? I'm very encouraged by the numbers I see.
I think its funny that everyone moans and groans about how the candidates aren't talking about the issues then moans and groans because they aren't firing back at each other.
Brand X wrote:dyslexia wrote:Kerry is a closet republican not unlike Clinton. Clinton looked and sounded good, Kerry does not. Has nothing to do with actual issues.
Kucinich can see his way in now, never let up.

you saying I am stubborn? Well at least I'm not generic! Here, hold my glasses so I can kick your silly goose.
I remember what the prevailing consensus seemed to be at the time--
The Dems put all their eggs in the National Security/military basket. Clarke looked legitimate--but proved not ready for prime time-- His flipping and mistakes came fast and furious.
Then, it seemed somebody remembered Kerry had been in a war--before he got out and protested it. But that was as good as they had. Democrats aren't known for military knowledge, or anything...
They got painted into the military corner. Again, they allowed themselves to be defined by the Conservatives. They should have dusted off their best statesman--and presented the electorate with their best--rather than digging in the mud, looking for someone with whatever military background they could find.
Again, they don't know who they are.
They can't out-Republican the Republicans--but they sure as hell try.
What Dems are looking like statesmen/women lately? Biden has come off sensible, amid a cacophony is friggin' idiots in the last four years.
Joe has cache, and respectability.
Obama, maybe. He hasn't been around long enough to screw up too badly.
Any other respectable Dems, who could take the long haul?
I think they should deep six sex appeal as a qualifier for the Presidency, and find someone with a vision. A SOUL! A reason for living.... <aw heck, throws in towel>
Kerry is known for being strong in the home stretch. I woudn't count him out.
I share Dyslexia's assessment of Kerry's positions. However he is a shrewd and expereienced politician who has been in tough campaigns before.
When Kerry pulls it out in November I may tell you that I hate to say 'I told you so'. If I do, don't believe it for a second.
ebrown_p wrote:Kerry is known for being strong in the home stretch. I woudn't count him out.
I share Dyslexia's assessment of Kerry's positions. However he is a shrewd and expereienced politician who has been in tough campaigns before.
When Kerry pulls it out in November I may tell you that I hate to say 'I told you so'. If I do, don't believe it for a second.
True, but he has been "strong in the home stretch" during elections in liberal Massachusetts and in his nomination by the more-liberal base of the Dems in the primaries.
What worked there is out of touch with mainstream America; see Dukakis, Michael...
nah I am guessing it's this mainstream america;
Interesting. Same info, different spin. CNN, no less....
A Lone Voice wrote:ebrown_p wrote:Kerry is known for being strong in the home stretch. I woudn't count him out.
I share Dyslexia's assessment of Kerry's positions. However he is a shrewd and expereienced politician who has been in tough campaigns before.
When Kerry pulls it out in November I may tell you that I hate to say 'I told you so'. If I do, don't believe it for a second.
True, but he has been "strong in the home stretch" during elections in liberal Massachusetts and in his nomination by the more-liberal base of the Dems in the primaries.
What worked there is out of touch with mainstream America; see Dukakis, Michael...
I have more faith than that. I still believe that mainstream Americans aren't complete idiots that can be fooled by fear and hype.
Of course, we will see in November.
he's running an ineffective campaign. hopefully, he can gain some ground in the debates. he's a bore of candidate-- james carville is on the campaign and even he can't help him. what a disapointment.
It is Kerry's election to lose. If his handlers are convinced people are not just going to vote against Bush, he can rebound and wipe out the gap in the polls. Investors Daily has them neck-and-neck in their poll (if you're not a subscriber, you can't access the poll). The poll is headed up as Bush losing his post convention bump and this is one of the most conservative journals one can refer to.
if bush didn't have the war on terror he'd be lost. people are afraid to change the president for this reason, and bush is putting all is effort into keeping people aware of the dangeer we're in.
good handlers always help, but when it comes down to it, kerry the candidate is a drone and he's failed to convince those who haven't decided yet. i hope i'm wrong.