Why won't Bush debate at length regarding the issues?

Reply Wed 15 Sep, 2004 12:39 pm
Chuckster wrote:
Besides, since Kerry's for and against even the time of day, what's to debate??

now coastal rat let me ask you....do you find this remark to be sincere and heartfelt, or assinine?

I ask the question seriously and without rancor of any kind.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Sep, 2004 12:53 pm
I cannot expect you to really get the point I was making.

Perhaps because there was no point to detect.

But when a debate is whittled down to scripted questions and scripted answers, and the majority of this country buys it, then what do you suppose that says about America's ability to be objective in gauging candidates by how they think, rather than how they read off of a scripted answer?

We on the left already know how Bush supporters feel about us:

"Sorry,if any muslims were offended,but I,myself was beyond offended last 9/11. And have been WAY beyond offended ever since. We are bowing and scraping to these people,while they continue to terrorize us. God forbid,any muslim takes offense, while they take us over."

"Most of those [political scientists] are idiots who have never worked in a campaign. I'd like to put 'em all in a room and shoot 'em," Todd Harris, Gov. Jeb Bush's campaign spokesman, Tampa Tribune -- 8/29/02

"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity." Ann Coulter, National Review Online - 9/12/01

"The abortionists have got to bear some burden for this because God will not be mocked. And when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we make God mad. I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way -- all of them who have tried to secularize America -- I point the finger in their face and say, 'You helped this happen." Jerry Falwell on why the attacks of 9/11 happened, The 700 Club -- 9/13/01

And some interesting comments from a couple of rightwing message boards:

"To all american's, Tomorrow will be the 1 year anniversary of 911 as we all know. I am a firm believer in an eye for an eye. I think that we should treat every Rag Wearing freak here in the state's the way that they treat us. Blow The bastard's up."

"Why are we Americans content to sit back, smile and nod alot,ad say,"Oh,Gosh,it'd just a small prtion of those scoudrols,it woumt happed again.Islam is good. alla is good. sex offenders are good.We mus fae the DIxie 2000 at least three times a day, and bow, and give thanks to this man who takes in sex offenders, and teacheshem the bllod and guts truth of islam."

And of course one must add some stellar quotes from Michael Savage to see where the REAL hate is coming from:

"Just be careful. One day, when you and your family are cooking hot dogs in the backyard, just be careful, because your Korean neighbor might actualy be cooking his dog. That's how they do it over there, you know."

"You and all your sodomite friends should all get AIDS and die"--to a caller who expressed sympathy for homosexuals.

"Tell me, is your real last name Hitler, or is it Mousolini? Is your last name Sung, or is it Mao? Is your real last name Pol Pot, or is your real first name Adolf? Thanks for the call, you anti-semetic piece of vermin."--To a caller who said that there was nothing wrong with people protesting his show.

"You are the liberal scum who should be rounded up from within and put in camps for what you are doing to this country. The problem is that you have no love in your life and you have no orgasms, and I realize that none of you liberals can experience orgasms, or else you wouldn't be this way. If you could acheive a sexual orgasm, your repressed anger would be gone and you wouldn;t be such a fool."-- to a caller who dissagreed with Savage about Ritalin.

He refers to Asians as "little soy eaters" and "little devils" who should be nuked. He also says that Chinese-Americans should be forced to sign loyalty oaths or go to internment camps. He calls non-white countries "turd-world nations". Anyone who dissagrees with him is a "nazi", a "brownshirt", "antisemetic", or a "gay sodomite who should get AIDS and die".

If these people are ALL Bush supporters, than it should be no surprise why we feel the way we do regarding their disgusting vitriol and hateful propoganda on the airwaves and in the rags. And, as is usual of Bush's style, he refuses to denounce ANY of it.

So, don't act so surprised, CoastalRat, and our increasing hatred regarding this pResident and this failed presidency. His rightwing operatives who he refuses to denounce are stirring those burning embers of hate quite nicely.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Sep, 2004 12:54 pm
At no point in time does an American President EVER need to be able to make a decision on the fly. That is WHY the president has a large, dedicated cabinet of people with very specialized jobs. So they can be experts while the president leads them.

If you want to have a forum of un-rehearsed questions, that is fine, but do not call it a debate, and allow each candidate to have his advisors join them. That way, each can give the best possible answer instead of what a single person thinks.
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Reply Wed 15 Sep, 2004 12:55 pm
BPB, I never said you violated TOS. Sorry if what I typed confused you. Being the person I am, I try not to place labels on groups of people, even those I think are being stupid. Example, I think homosexuality is wrong but I do not stoop to lumping gays together and making derogatory comments about them. I don't group all Kerry supporters together and call y'all ignorant asses, even if I really think that (which I don't btw). But too many here (mostly dems I am sorry to say, although I have seen a few repubs also) like to lump the other side together and call them names such as stupid, gullible and ill-informed.

Now, while you did not direct the comments to me personally, how else should I take them other than that I have been called that since I am supporting Bush in this election? Since you see nothing wrong with your comments, I will try to disregard them.

Oh, and just because I think Kerry supporters are ignorant asses will not stop me from buying you a cup of coffee or helping to fix your tire either. But if we ever get the chance, let's go for the coffee instead of the tire thing.
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Reply Wed 15 Sep, 2004 12:57 pm
McGentrix wrote:
At no point in time does an American President EVER need to be able to make a decision on the fly. That is WHY the president has a large, dedicated cabinet of people with very specialized jobs. So they can be experts while the president leads them.

If you want to have a forum of un-rehearsed questions, that is fine, but do not call it a debate, and allow each candidate to have his advisors join them. That way, each can give the best possible answer instead of what a single person thinks.

The seeds of a brilliant idea...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Sep, 2004 12:58 pm
McG, I wonder if that's true though. Doesn't the president have to speak with foreign leaders? When they ask him a question, does he rush over to his advisors to answer it? Or do the presidential advisors just meet with other leaders' advisors and do all the negotiating on their own? Hmmmm...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Sep, 2004 01:02 pm
kickycan wrote:
McG, I wonder if that's true though. Doesn't the president have to speak with foreign leaders? When they ask him a question, does he rush over to his advisors to answer it? Or do the presidential advisors just meet with other leaders' advisors and do all the negotiating on their own? Hmmmm...

But before meeting with a foreign leader, ALL presidents are briefed about what will be discussed. Hot points are covered and strategies created before the meeting. Decisions are made before the meeting.
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Reply Wed 15 Sep, 2004 01:02 pm
I believe that is a hamster, Bear. Please look to the left to see a rat. A rat which may follow your lead to the Libertarian camp this year. The unknown is looking better all the time.
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Reply Wed 15 Sep, 2004 01:03 pm
Dookiestix wrote:
I cannot expect you to really get the point I was making.

Perhaps because there was no point to detect.

But when a debate is whittled down to scripted questions and scripted answers, and the majority of this country buys it, then what do you suppose that says about America's ability to be objective in gauging candidates by how they think, rather than how they read off of a scripted answer?

We on the left already know how Bush supporters feel about us:

"Sorry,if any muslims were offended,but I,myself was beyond offended last 9/11. And have been WAY beyond offended ever since. We are bowing and scraping to these people,while they continue to terrorize us. God forbid,any muslim takes offense, while they take us over."

"Most of those [political scientists] are idiots who have never worked in a campaign. I'd like to put 'em all in a room and shoot 'em," Todd Harris, Gov. Jeb Bush's campaign spokesman, Tampa Tribune -- 8/29/02

"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity." Ann Coulter, National Review Online - 9/12/01

"The abortionists have got to bear some burden for this because God will not be mocked. And when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we make God mad. I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way -- all of them who have tried to secularize America -- I point the finger in their face and say, 'You helped this happen." Jerry Falwell on why the attacks of 9/11 happened, The 700 Club -- 9/13/01

And some interesting comments from a couple of rightwing message boards:

"To all american's, Tomorrow will be the 1 year anniversary of 911 as we all know. I am a firm believer in an eye for an eye. I think that we should treat every Rag Wearing freak here in the state's the way that they treat us. Blow The bastard's up."

"Why are we Americans content to sit back, smile and nod alot,ad say,"Oh,Gosh,it'd just a small prtion of those scoudrols,it woumt happed again.Islam is good. alla is good. sex offenders are good.We mus fae the DIxie 2000 at least three times a day, and bow, and give thanks to this man who takes in sex offenders, and teacheshem the bllod and guts truth of islam."

And of course one must add some stellar quotes from Michael Savage to see where the REAL hate is coming from:

"Just be careful. One day, when you and your family are cooking hot dogs in the backyard, just be careful, because your Korean neighbor might actualy be cooking his dog. That's how they do it over there, you know."

"You and all your sodomite friends should all get AIDS and die"--to a caller who expressed sympathy for homosexuals.

"Tell me, is your real last name Hitler, or is it Mousolini? Is your last name Sung, or is it Mao? Is your real last name Pol Pot, or is your real first name Adolf? Thanks for the call, you anti-semetic piece of vermin."--To a caller who said that there was nothing wrong with people protesting his show.

"You are the liberal scum who should be rounded up from within and put in camps for what you are doing to this country. The problem is that you have no love in your life and you have no orgasms, and I realize that none of you liberals can experience orgasms, or else you wouldn't be this way. If you could acheive a sexual orgasm, your repressed anger would be gone and you wouldn;t be such a fool."-- to a caller who dissagreed with Savage about Ritalin.

He refers to Asians as "little soy eaters" and "little devils" who should be nuked. He also says that Chinese-Americans should be forced to sign loyalty oaths or go to internment camps. He calls non-white countries "turd-world nations". Anyone who dissagrees with him is a "nazi", a "brownshirt", "antisemetic", or a "gay sodomite who should get AIDS and die".

If these people are ALL Bush supporters, than it should be no surprise why we feel the way we do regarding their disgusting vitriol and hateful propoganda on the airwaves and in the rags. And, as is usual of Bush's style, he refuses to denounce ANY of it.

So, don't act so surprised, CoastalRat, and our increasing hatred regarding this pResident and this failed presidency. His rightwing operatives who he refuses to denounce are stirring those burning embers of hate quite nicely.

Dook, first off there are plenty of off the wall people on both sides spewing hatred for the other. It does not mean it is the majority, nor does it mean we here need to get involved in doing so. I will not judge you by what the left-wing nut cases say and do, so please don't judge me (or others on the right) for what some right wing nuts write.

And I have absolutely no problem with your not liking this president. I was not too fond of the last one. But as far as him denouncing "his rightwing operatives", what operatives do you refer to? I will quickly join the bandwagon of denouncing anyone stirring up hatred just as soon as BOTH SIDES start the denouncing. And if you do not wish to admit the existance of leftwing operatives who are also doing their best to stir up hatred in this election, then I guess you may not be as informed as most of your posts seem to make you.
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Reply Wed 15 Sep, 2004 01:04 pm
McGentrix wrote:
kickycan wrote:
McG, I wonder if that's true though. Doesn't the president have to speak with foreign leaders? When they ask him a question, does he rush over to his advisors to answer it? Or do the presidential advisors just meet with other leaders' advisors and do all the negotiating on their own? Hmmmm...

But before meeting with a foreign leader, ALL presidents are briefed about what will be discussed. Hot points are covered and strategies created before the meeting. Decisions are made before the meeting.

Okay, thanks.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Wed 15 Sep, 2004 01:06 pm
Why wont bush debate at length regarding the issues?

0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Sep, 2004 01:07 pm
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
Chuckster wrote:
Besides, since Kerry's for and against even the time of day, what's to debate??

now coastal rat let me ask you....do you find this remark to be sincere and heartfelt, or assinine?

I ask the question seriously and without rancor of any kind.

I could see where a case can be made that he is making an attempt at humor. If so, I see no problem. We could find lots of posts here that do the same thing. Now if he is really being serious, then I guess he has a problem, because I doubt if anyone really takes a position on the time of day.
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Reply Wed 15 Sep, 2004 01:08 pm
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:
Why wont bush debate at length regarding the issues?


Concise, honest, and direct. Excellent post. Laughing
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Steve 41oo
Reply Wed 15 Sep, 2004 01:11 pm
thanks kicky, i try sometimes
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Reply Wed 15 Sep, 2004 01:15 pm
McGentrix writes:

If you want to have a forum of un-rehearsed questions, that is fine, but do not call it a debate, and allow each candidate to have his advisors join them. That way, each can give the best possible answer instead of what a single person thinks.

What could possibly be wrong with gauging the intellectual capacity of our leaders through candid dialogue and informed debate? I somehow don't remember Clinton needing a group of advisors around as he so miticulously addressed issues in stunning detail on many occasions. And that would include the MANY more press conference he had, vs. George Bush's handful of appearances in front of the press.

But then perhaps I know why.
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Reply Wed 15 Sep, 2004 01:26 pm
CoastalRat wrote:
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
Chuckster wrote:
Besides, since Kerry's for and against even the time of day, what's to debate??

now coastal rat let me ask you....do you find this remark to be sincere and heartfelt, or assinine?

I ask the question seriously and without rancor of any kind.

I could see where a case can be made that he is making an attempt at humor. If so, I see no problem. We could find lots of posts here that do the same thing. Now if he is really being serious, then I guess he has a problem, because I doubt if anyone really takes a position on the time of day.

I gently suggest that you find the possibility that chucksters post was a harmless attempt at humor while finding mine to be a nasty insult because he is pro bush and I am not.

I tell you without meanness my friend that I think you're busted on that. :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Sep, 2004 01:31 pm
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
CoastalRat wrote:
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
Chuckster wrote:
Besides, since Kerry's for and against even the time of day, what's to debate??

now coastal rat let me ask you....do you find this remark to be sincere and heartfelt, or assinine?

I ask the question seriously and without rancor of any kind.

I could see where a case can be made that he is making an attempt at humor. If so, I see no problem. We could find lots of posts here that do the same thing. Now if he is really being serious, then I guess he has a problem, because I doubt if anyone really takes a position on the time of day.

I gently suggest that you find the possibility that chucksters post was a harmless attempt at humor while finding mine to be a nasty insult because he is pro bush and I am not.

I tell you without meanness my friend that I think you're busted on that. :wink:

Please explain why you think I am busted. He did not say anything about Kerry supporters being stupid, gullible and ill-informed. You stated that Bush supporters were. He made a comment poking fun at Kerry. I have never called anyone on comments about Bush, and everytime I turn around someone here is calling him a moron or worse. I have no problem with that if that is what makes a person feel intelligent. Both sides can go for it.

If you cannot see the difference between the two posts, then maybe I will rethink the offer of coffee. Laughing
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Reply Wed 15 Sep, 2004 03:10 pm
You all have to be crazy if you think George Bush is a good debater! I feel like I was the only person in America who was awake during the debates between George and Al. He SUCKED! Al Gore smoked him! I do remember reports that Al's team had to tell him to tone it down because he was being too tough on Bush.
Let's see....Bush was pretty amusing with his snorts and hysterical facial expressions. What a joke! If Bush and his "axis of evil" are smart they will limit his time behind the podium debating Kerry. Granted Kerry isn't a prize but when you are stuck with Evil Barney Fife for President anything is an improvement. Maybe the reason he hasn't debated at length about the ISSUES so far is because he is the real "Dookiestick". :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Sep, 2004 03:14 pm
When you are running the table, you don't step aside and let someone take your place.

It is common practice.

The incumbent, if he leads in polling, doesn't give the challenger an opportunity to stand beside him in a debate--for a couple of reasons.

As bad as the challenger wants it--is equal to the resistance the incumbent applies against it. Kerry is dying for it.

He will not get it.

I bet Bush drops to one debate--unless he starts dropping in the polls.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Sep, 2004 10:22 pm
Will someone please remind Steve that AMAZING is spelled with only one "Z"?

Will all of you quit cutting and pasting my incredibly brilliant off-the-wall comments? Okay! Already! Your'e not as really dumb as you look.
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