Wed 15 Sep, 2004 10:48 am
Ignoring the "pleas" from the EU and even Colin Powell, Russia decided that THEY ALONE will determine how to defend itself from the Chechian rebels, who just happen to be mainly Muslim (what a coincidence).
Good for you Russia and Welcome to the "party".
If you like to read spy novels you'd learn that the Eastern European propensity to "party" has been their downfall.
Has it not also been our downfall as well. Both Russia and the US have danced their little toe shoes off lately.
It's time to pay the piper.
Diplomacy is always an option; and one both countries might explore.
You mean like the 10 years of diplomacy that failed to force Iraq to comply with the cease fire agreement?
At what point do you say enough is enough?
How ironic.
Russia and Israel are the two countries that have been the most brutal against ethnic groups to combat "terrorism".
Putin was elected saying he would kill the "terrorists" in their outhouses. He invaded Chechnya in 1991 basically leveling their capital and killing thousands. Since then Russia has been continuing a brutal miliatry occupation.
Israel has pretty much taken the same tack since 1948. They have used political assassinations and group punishment. They bulldoze houses and use torture-- all in the name of fighting terrorists.
Let's see the results-- Russia continues to face terrible acts of terrorism in theaters, planes and schools. In 10 years of their "war on terrorism" they are still powerless.
Israel continues to face economic hardship and fear.
The real kicker is that France had (and that is the past tense) a terrible problem with terrorism from Algieria. You know what, they solved this problem.
France did what Russia and Israel are too cowardly to do. They addressed the problem politically-- moving away from violence. And now when two of their citizens are captured in Iraq, in spite of a very difficult political controversy, thousands of French Molems rally to their aid.
Russia and Israel are paying a terrible price for their idiocy.
Astute analysis ebrown.
It sounds accurate to me especially "idiocy" as the cause of it.
I agree with you totally about France, e_brown. And it should be noted that the resistance they faced in Algeria was every bit as brutal as what the Israeli's face.
France gave up in Algeria too?!
Clinton took out the Iraqi Radar. And then continued with the embargo.
Many criticized the embargo.
Remarkably Iraq was not the vengeful entity behind 911 though our own idiots still extrapolate it from their missing evidence.
I think taking their radar with HARMs was probably a good move. And much more diplomatic than decimating the population. Powell was satisfied taking out 120,000 Iraqi Republican Guard in twenty minutes with Napalm.
Yes indeedy! At what point DO you say enough is enough?
McGentrix wrote:France gave up in Algeria too?!
What you call giving up, the rest of us call having the sense to know when you are fighting a losing battle that there is no reason on God's green earth that you need to be fighting. Or more simply, realizing that colonialism is out.
McGentrix wrote:France gave up in Algeria too?!
And Japan gave up in China and Germany gave up in France. England gave up in the United States... twice.
What's your point?
Russia and Israel don't have a good way to end a unbearable cycle of violence.
You mean like the 10 years of diplomacy that failed to force Iraq to comply with the cease fire agreement?
At what point do you say enough is enough? <--- woiyo
Um, ten years really isn't that long from a global politics standpoint. The cold war dragged on for what, 40 years? But in the end, containment worked; we didn't blow each other up with WMD like everyone thought we were going to.
So what is wrong with actually displaying a little patience as a country?
You can not compare the "cold war" to 10 years of failed diplomacy regarding Iraq.
The concept of mutual destruction kept our nukes at home during the cold war. It wasn't until we outspent the USSR into almost bancruptcy with military expansion that the cold war ended.
Iraq was rebuilding itself into a regional and worldwide threat under the noses of the UN and our so called containment. The corrupt UN Oil for FOOD Program was helping fund the regime.
We showed enough patience in my opinion.
woiyo wrote:Iraq was rebuilding itself into a regional and worldwide threat under the noses of the UN and our so called containment. The corrupt UN Oil for FOOD Program was helping fund the regime.
This is clearly not true.
Duck - Why is it not true?
Because it has been shown that Iraq was not rebuilding its nuclear program, and had no other WMD.
You forgot to add the words....IN HINDSIGHT!!!
Makes a big difference, does it not??
It doesn't make any difference in the context of this conversation since I was refuting what you said.
Quote:woiyo wrote:
Iraq was rebuilding itself into a regional and worldwide threat under the noses of the UN and our so called containment. The corrupt UN Oil for FOOD Program was helping fund the regime.
You didn't add the words, BUT NOW WE KNOW IT ISN'T TRUE!!! Makes a big difference.
Duck - Wrong!!!!
The scandel surrounding the oil for food program was not uncovered until AFTER we went into Iraq. All during the 10 years of failed diplomacy and useless "fly-bys" Iraq was, this BS was going on right under the noses of the inspectors.
Knowing what a wonderful humanitarien Saddam was, what do you think he was doing with all the cash and other "assets" traded in by France and Russia for the oil???
woiyo wrote:Knowing what a wonderful humanitarien Saddam was, what do you think he was doing with all the cash and other "assets" traded in by France and Russia for the oil???
Probably building all those lovely palaces so that we would have something to bomb. Regardless of your suspicions of the UN, the idea that Iraq was rebuilding itself into a regional and worldwide threat under the noses of the UN is plainly untrue as its central premise, that the threat was building, is demonstrably false.
Duck - Demonstrably false?
Please demonstrate how that is false but detailing exactly what happened to the WMD, all the cash accumulated by the Oil for Food etc...