Sun 12 Sep, 2004 09:05 am
Tomorrow begins the media rounds for the woman and author named Kitty Kelly. Ms. Kelly has penned an 800 page book that aims to attack and destroy President George W. Bush, as well as his fine family.
Early glimpses of Ms. Kelly's tomb suggests it is nothing more than thousands of lies. Charges and rumors of drug use and alcohol abuse fill each chapter, and the Bush family is portrayed as emotionally cold, uncaring, as well as having a lineage based on inbreeding and inter-marrying.
I believe Kitty Kelly is the Tokyo Rose of the 21st century and that she belongs in a Federal prison. The US Justice department should charge her as an 'enemy combatant' under the USA Patriot Act and she should be forced to do hard time.
I beg all good patriots, do not buy her book. Do not watch the TV programs she's expected to appear on over the next 2 weeks, and perhaps most important of all, when you hear a lie from her book repeated as fact, speak up and out -- defend President Bush and his fine family against the voices of treason.
Our nation's future depends on it!
It's a book that will be read by those that already hate Bush and will only reinforce previous negative feelings. It will have no bearing on the election.
You guys are really scared, aren't ya?
I pre-ordered at Amazon, but I can't wait for it to get here.
I'm going tomorrow
morning to buy my copy.
When the other one comes in I'll pass it along to others, maybe on the A2K Books by Mail Club. :wink:
I have bought and paid for it on advance order and can't wait to wrap up the summer reading it over a cup of Earl Grey.........................., what a hoot it promises to be.
Pragmaticone, you sound like a love sick puppy whenever you talk about bush..eerie!
how did she write the book from her tomb? That's a level of talent that I admire.....
Book burner alert!
Author killer alert!
Reader jailer alert!
Good ole American Nazi values are still alive and well among us.
This has got to be irony?
Gee, it was only 2 months ago that columnists at GOPUSA were calling Michael Moore the modern-day Tokyo Rose.
Quote:Moore is rooting for their triumph, and our attendant loss. Do mainline Democrats really support this modern day Tokyo Rose?
American Daily and a number of other sites liked that analogy ...
Quote:Nazi Germany had Joseph Goebbels, and Imperial Japan had Tokyo Rose. But Michael Moore endows the American left with the talents of both.
AmericanDaily link
And then the bloggers at (shop by GOPguys) compared Dan Rather to Tokyo Rose.
Quote:Hanoi Hanna, Tokyo Rose and Lord HawHaw have nothing on Dan Rather
Earlier in the year, Oliver North was on the Tokyo Rose kick as well ...
Quote:Comments like those of Jim McDermott have gone way past Oliver Stone territory and are beginning to ape the rhetoric of Tokyo Rose.
This Tokyo Rose analogy seems to be de rigeur these days.
Praggie doesn't cottle to critics of his hero, be they male or female.
George Bush is Emporer Hirohito.
Kitty Kelly is a hack writer and in my opinion an immensely enjoyable read.
the american multi-party system is just so damned annoying.
I find the 2 party system fine. However, Bush prefers close family friends on the SCOTUS.
Just as Repubs enjoy the Swift Boat Vets, Dems will enjoy Kitty. I just hope the Bush guys attack Kitty and slime her, as Kerry's guys failed to do to the Swift Boat Vets.....
How do you know what Kitty Kelly penned was a lie. The creep by his own admission was a drunked and a drug user till he was forty.
I think you need a cold shower anyway he is taken.
What gives.
Why is anyone trying to make a connection between Tokyo Rose and an American anti-Bush journalist.
<<scratches head>>
It doesn't matter if facts are ignored anymore. The mud's the thing.