@Robert Gentel,
Considering the habit of conservatives to always be looking to the past, they'll probably try to go full tent revival. Gawwd.. was noticeably absent this year
It indicates nothing and everything. I'm more than perfectly aware that reality is contradiction, but to be honest with that awareness means to have to address nations and presidencies period.
Reality is the censorship of intelligence, but to apply that only to the topic of why Trump has such predominance on this forum would be wrong; the censorship of intelligence is the very existence of this site, and all other forums, as it is Facebook, and newspapers and culture.
I ignore the Trump threads, knowing full well that attacking them is a lost cause.
Quote:I ignore the Trump threads, knowing full well that attacking them is a lost cause.
That's been my observation too!

Well there you go !....as Churchill said...'the best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter.'
Are Brits and Murikans debating who has the tittle of the most dumb electorate in recent human history ? I am undecided on that one...
...one thing is certain in either case nor Hollywood nor BBC sell the country any more, the web exposed America and its decrepit state of mass delusion to the world...as for Brits well those never denied their working class is ignorant, in spite of letting them vote on a referendum...crazy I tell you.
The whole freaking western world has become a joke. Europe is fracked with Brexit precedent and Murika is falling apart. Putin must be having a party right now...democracy, globalisation, equity, the all French revolution values are burned...