Thu 24 Oct, 2002 06:04 pm
Sorry.....I think Chief Moose has been mauled by the media. He's been put into the spotlight
and has been 'expected' to 'perform' like a puppet. Since he hasn't done that ~ he's just been an honest man, doing an
honorable job, he's been ridiculed. Because he's NOT a politician.
I read an underlying intelligence in Chief Moose and a purposefullness not to perform for the camera -- unlike some of the politically motivated clowns that we're seeing parade in from of the TV cameras. The less than adequate TV profilers really have egg on their face and I commend Donahue for apologizing for jumping to conclusionsl. Hey, nearly every sniper case has turned up to be a twisted white guy -- so now we finally have a sniper of color and everyone who plays on that one is using less than honorable logic.