padmasambava wrote:I'd like to see Ralph voluntarily get out and throw his votes to the "lesser of two evils." If it had to be done by force, nice work if someone figured out how.
Very democratic of you,
'I don't like your message, so I won't allow you to speak (By force if need be)
padmasambava wrote:To muck with the electoral college again is not a favorable scenario to those of us who would like to see Mr. Bush pack it and go.
The Electoral College is how our system works... if you don't like it, petition Congress to change it.
padmasambava wrote:If we are to have third party candidates, it will be necessary to change our electoral system. There are undemocratic forces built in as "checks" - such as the fact that the unpopulated states still get two senators per state.
Unpopulated states get two senators to prevent 4 or 5 states from deciding everything for the whole country. You in California may have no interest in constructing levees to prevent the Mississippi from overflowing into your backyard, but the 'underpopulated' states have a keen interest in that topic. Without equal representation in the Senate, California, New York, Texas and Florida could pretty much tell the rest of the country to 'go to hell' and make it stick. Not too fair if you come from one of the 'little states'.
padmasambava wrote:And the electoral college is a nifty little conspiracy to simulate unanimity isn't it (with a tiny margin of symbolic flakes).
As above, it exists to give each state a chance to be heard. Being heard in Congress or the nation is easy if, like yourself, you come from California, but some other states might just like a say in the democratic process if you don't mind. OK?
padmasambava wrote:There are numerous examples of how our system is loaded to empower those who know how to take advantage of others. And of course those who know how protect their modus operandi and define the qualifications for the foxes who guard the various henhouses.
Have NO idea of what point you are trying to make here?
padmasambava, you seem to espouse democracy and 'democratic process' when it suits you, but you do not want the chance of 'your guy' losing because of a third party interloper.
Just curious, how did you feel about Ross Perot's candidacy? The numbers showed that Bill Clinton would have lost to President Bush had Perot not run... did you think that was unfair to President Bush? Do you think that Mr. Perot should have been removed from the ballot by force?