squinney wrote:What can we expect?
1. Expect to own our own retirement. Instead of paying in 7.5%-15% to Social Security, we will pay in some undisclosed amount that the government then invests for us. This is GREAT! Since we are only 10 year olds, we have no clue how to invest, where to invest, or how to check on our investment. And, if the stock market crashes, OPEC changes to the Euro or there's any funny stuff with the SEC or CEO's and our investment is worth squat, at least we will each own squat.
Do you always misrepresent in your posts? We will be given the choice of how it goes in, we won't be able to choose any old investment, so that we don't end up broke at the age of 65. I would rather have this chance then get stuck with $1000 a month for the next 30 or 40 years. I'm young enough to know I have time to earn back any investment that goes poor. Also the types of investments that will be offered will be low risk to prevent something huge losses of investment. I take it you like the current system? If you don't what would you do different.
Quote:2. Expect to own our own home... Since most of us already do, this campaign statement is actually aimed at the public housing members of our society. It means those currently living in public housing will finally take ownership of their run down housing project by paying higher monthly payments +interest + maintenance + they lose everything including their equity if someone that comes to visit them has a joint on them.
I just sold my home and have bought another one, I don't make huge amounts of money but I do own my own home. Do you have something against people owning their own homes? I'm sure you didn't have an issue with the idea of HUD homes when that idea came along. The only issue I have is that the housing market in my neighborhood is going down due to a large amount of homes becoming HUD homes. One of the reasons why I moved to another part of town.
Quote:3. Expect to NEVER see Lady Liberty's breasts ever again!!!
Simple minds = simple pleasures.
Quote:4. Expect Wars and Rumors of War!
Has this changed since the dawn of man? To those who wish to harm us I say bring it on!
Quote:5. Expect your state income, property and sales taxes to increase to cover the federal money no longer provided for schools, food stamps, medicaid, jobless, etc.
If the states, counties, and cities can't get by on what they bring in now, then they will have to cut back somewhere. They had better get used to it, I live on a limited income, so should they. The govt can't be everything to everybody, and they can't be expected to pay for everything either. Start by cutting the welfare roles and then move on to something else of little importance to the regular American. They can also increase the taxes on those that want more of the services. If you want to provide more to people then they can raise your taxes, you seem to be able to afford it.
Quote:6. Expect another attack on our homeland.
That won't be happening, we have already taken the steps to prevent such an attack. Remember we were already attacked and it wasn't the fault of Bush, he was only in office for 8 months when it happened. Since then there hasn't been an attack. I fear more of an attack with Kerry in office then I do with Bush in office, trying to reason with terrorists isn't the way to defeat them.
Quote:7. Expect higher unemployment, lower wages, fewer worker protections.
Unemployment is going down and the economy is getting stronger. Greenspan even said so the other day. I put in another thread how the new OT rules have had a positive effect by covering more people then they did before. The govt has nothing to do with what wages a company pays. Would you have the govt decide what you make in your job?
Quote:8. Expect a cap on lawsuit payments. Again, as 10 year olds we are not capable of sitting on a jury, listening to the evidence and deciding what a fellow citizen is owed due to corporate negligence or medical malpractice. Bush already knows that not a single one of us is worth more than $250,000.
I don't think this is a bad idea. Remember that lady that spilled HOT McDonalds coffee in her lap and get several millions of dollars? Did that really make sense to you? I mean you place hot coffee between your legs and you get burned, so you sue the company that gave you the coffee instead of taking responsibility for your own stupid mistake. Have you ever heard of frivolous lawsuits? Look at John Edwards, he fooled a bunch of juries into thinking something that is passed on to babies through a virus or genetics, was caused by Dr's. The American people might be smart but a lawyer can fool us on any given day.
My son is deaf thanks to his 9 month vaccination shots, should I go sue the clinic, or the company because of this? I know **** happens in life and I don't blame others because of it. There is a risk in everything we do.
Quote:9. Expect drilling in ANWAR. Clear cutting in our national forests and more mountain tops being blown off and into the streams and creeks with no cleanup required by the mining companies.
What is wrong with drilling in ANWAR, it would lower our dependence on foreign oil, and provide jobs to people. I think the rest is going over board. Allowing thinning of forests is a far cry from clear cutting.
Quote:10. Expect minimum wage to stay the same
That is a good thing. Who wants to stick with a min wage job? I would think it being low would drive people to get better jobs. If a job doesn't pay what you want it to then find another, that is the way it should be. Don't expect to stay at a dead end job that doesn't require skills and then expect the govt to make your company pay you more because you are too lazy to get off your butt to gain some skills. There are enough govt programs available for someone to get an education and get a better job.