Note...what I've written below is intended for a liberal audience. Folks from the right, including the one or two I've personally mentioned, can feel free to respond if they wish, but I won't be in discussion with you. Frank said
Quote:What I cannot get over is the fact that one has to conclude that the terrorists consider the Bush Administration one of their best friends.
Could this "gang that couldn't shoot straight" possibly have done more to aid and abet these people?
Because of the Bush Administration...recruiting for terrorist organizations is not only UP...the recruits are even more fanatical than before.
And these hopeless bunglers have managed to alienate the populaces of almost every one of our allies.
How can anyone with any common sense vote to re-elect these miscreants based on their handling of the terrorist issue?
But they will. They do believe. And not just a few. We see it on these threads every day, as in Baldimo's unthinking repetition above, or cjhsa's unthinking repetition that Kerry is a far-leftist.
We all know how close this election will be, and we all know there is a very good chance that the believers will outnumber the rest of us.
We all have come to learn how ineffective logical argument almost always turns out to be in the face of what we are up against. We have all come to learn how surprisingly easy it is for the population of a modern state to be manipulated and deceived, and yet be so unawares of the nature of their predicament. We've all come to learn how easy it is for a democratic state to enthusiastically begin devouring its own innards because it has been told it is hungry.
A couple of years ago, Ann Coulter, in an interview with another right wing TV host, said, "We've won." Bold, but true. How did she know this and many others not? Simply because she is rather more appraised of what has been going on out of sizeable it has been and how effective it has been. We'll recall her comment, now many years past, to Drudge (I think it was) regarding the beginnings of the legal and PR attacks on Clinton, "There are lots of busy little elves working away." That was accurate. Lots of them, well funded, active and effective at the community level, the State level, and the Federal level. And at the same time, establishing an alternate media of exclusive voice - not just to counter the mainstream press, but to bypass it. Thus Baldimo. Thus millions of others like Baldimo.
I'm sorry, but I'm not hopeful. You are heading towards totalitarianism, if a somewhat soft version for a while. If Bush wins again, the machinery that has brought him to power and kept him there...even in the face of such continual deceit, of Iraq and it's attendant policies, of Abu Ghraib, of Medicare, of Richard Clarke, of DiIulio, O'Neill of of of....that machinery will be enhanced, strengthened and made as permanent and exclusionary as these extremists can manage. Redistricting? Oh yes. Secrecy? Just watch that one. Court appointments? Intrusions on privacy to ensure that the non-patriots don't cause any trouble? Media concentration? Media hesitancy and obsequiousness? The gap between rich and poor? Environment? I have seen the future, and it is murder.
There is no way you guys are going to be able to pull this out of the fire unless you understand that the rules have changed. These folks want PERMANENT POWER AND CONTROL. They are bold enough to say it (see Norquist, and others). A second party is of use to them only as a scapegoat, to deflect negatives away and to maintain the necessary illusion of representative democracy.
You've had a revolution take place. That is going to be countered only through understanding how it has been accomplished and joining them in this street fight. You are going to need a lot more than one Al Franken and one Michael Moore.
In March, Paul Krugman gave a lecture at the London School of Economics. I've linked this transcript elsewhere, but I'll do it here too. Krugman understands various aspects of this administration and what it is up to as well as pretty much anyone else. He's an easy-going guy, and he's more than a bit worried.
Krugman transcript
Sorry for the downer. But it is probably time to get real.