Do Soap Operas cleanse the mind ????????
Jes, Tv wrestling does count as a soap opera, but if you feel guilty about watching it, as I did when my daughter caught me watching, you can go cold turkey, as I did. I sneaked a look at Smackdown the other day. It's bad, bad, bad, sad, sad, sad TV.
Hi there!
I just wanted to say that you can not say in general that soap operas are not a good thing to watch. It definately depends on why" you watch them. It is for example a very good way to learn a foreign language. For me it was a nice way to learn the language. That's all I wanted to say :wink:
Welcome julchen!
You're right about soap operas being used to learn new languages. As long as we don't think they also teach how life works in other countries.
I try to keep up with All My Children, Guiding Light, and As the World Turns. I don't get to see them regularly, but enough to keep track of most storylines. I watch during lunch (I have a home office.)
ATWT is a family tradition. My mother and father watched it together at lunch for many, many years.
Thanks for welcoming me so nicely!
What do you mean by one shouldn't think that life in other countries is not like the life one can see in soap operas?

That is too sad, it would have been so nice to believe that for example in New York most of the guys across the street sit naked in their living room and that people living there have nothing else to do then to observe this poor guy. :wink:
No, I know what you mean. Of course real life can not be compared with a soap opera.
Julchen, when I visited Germany in my teens, some of my cousins seemed positively amazed that I didn't live in a Dallas-style home. They really believed in those big soaps.
That is unbelievable. Some people are just so strange. But I know what you mean, when I went to Texas a couple of years ago, some of the people there even asked as whether we know what CDs are. They must have this bad image from somewhere too. Perhaps from soap operas...