Evidently my little confused baby avatar was not well-liked.

This one's irking me, too, but will be the placeholder for now...
If anyone's curious, it's a biswo basra, a thunderbolt that destroys ignorance! Zap!
If only it were that easy.
A gal can dream...
(I don't have any tattoos, but I've had this card [the biswo basra -- cropped a small detail in an attempt to make it under 6K] for years and that'll be my tat if I do get one.)
wow - that's an ambitious tattoo plan, sozobe!
Sozobe - it looks great - if a little enigmatic on my colour-screwed monitor.....death and transformation to ignorance!
hee hee
Thanks deb! It looks enigmatic on my perfectly lovely monitor, too -- had a heckuva a time squashing it, and it shows.
ehBeth, not the whole thing! Just the little thunderbolty thing in the middle.
Ok ok, I confess. I watch the soaps. Gezzy runs as fast as she can out the door dodging tomatoes
As a teenager I was partial to Dallas.Every Wednesday evening I´d be in front of the box instead of concentrating on my geography homework.Our Geography teacher,a lovely guy,always doled out these huge tasks on a Wednesday and we´d always shriek "But Dallas is on!!"He cared not a jot.Saw a few seconds of it recently and CANNOT understand why I enjoyed it.
The only soap that I watch occasionally is Days of Our Lives. My daughter is diabetic, and when she gets sick with a cold or something that the rest of us could probably tough out, it usually hits her like a ton of bricks and she ends up having to take some time off from school. Anyway, a couple of years ago, she was pretty sick and was stuck on the couch and this show came on after the local noon news...She was mesmerized and thought it was hilarious. She had me come and watch it with her, and ever since then, we've followed it...not every day...but enough so that we can follow the story lines and pick up where we left off the next time she has to stay home. *If you watch these things tongue in cheek, they aren't too bad, and like I said on another thread, anything that allows me to spend time laughing with my kids is considered by me to be time well spent.
I confess, I tape and watch All My Children. Have for decades. I used to watch a couple of others, but I'm down to this one.
I think the only thing that keeps me going is that my sister tapes it too. We like to laugh about the plots and predict what will happen. Anyone who overhears us ALWAYS thinks we are talking about real people.
I didn't ask this question to poke fun ~ please don't apologize!! It just amazes me how long some folks watch these shows!
Who's apologizing? I don't think that anyone here took your question as poking fun...(well, not anymore than we're poking fun at ourselves and the shows!). Look, my daughter just happened to be sick today and we watched DOOL again. The plot that they've been working on has been so ridiculous, almost too much to take, but we watched anyway, and laughed until our sides hurt.
My son goes to a major university, and he's told me that you can't walk by a TV in any of the student areas during the afternoons without seeing it tuned into a soap...there's a huge following, but most of the students are critiquing the shows as they watch.
I know there are a lot of elderly people who live for their soaps. My grandmother was in the hospital years ago, dying from a brain tumor. Because of her illness, she wasn't allowed to watch the TV because it might have caused a seizure, so she asked us to watch her show for her and report back to her everyday. We did as she requested because we loved her, but we couldn't stand the show. There was a character on it who had been dying for about a year and she was genuinely concerned about him...Now that's devotion!
There was an item on some TV show years ago where it was stated that some of the most devoted fans of All My Children were the guys on the professional football teams...
Yeah, okay, whatever.....!!!!!
When I work out at lunch this vampire soap called "Port Charles" is always on the tube in the cardio room. Since I can't hear it I read the subtitling, which is hilarious.
"He looks just like Caleb, but he says his name is Stephen."
"There's a girl who showed up in town the same time he did who looks just like me".
To die for, really.
Welcome to A2K, cjhsa!
Your post about watching soaps with the C.C. on reminded me of another type of soap I've watched off and on the past few months. My daughter's Spanish teacher has made it a requirement for her students to watch a certain amount of Spanish language programming each week...they have a written assignment to go along with their viewing each week, too. Anyway, my daughter has selected a couple of the soaps to watch, and although the C.C. is in Spanish, I still remember enough to figure out what's happening. These shows give new meaning to the word
dramatic! They are
so funny, but again, I couldn't take watching these shows more than once in a while, either...
I used to watch Another World many years ago, during the time of Mac and Rachel and Iris. I remember a character named Pat who, during a dramatic scene, actually missed her mark, lost her footing and toppled over on a chair. That was the only time I'd ever seen anything like that on television. It must have been shot live that day.
I started watching The Guiding Light some years ago. The actress who played Iris on Another World was now Alexandra Spaulding on GL. That soap held my interest for about five years. There was a character, Hampton Speakes, who was hot hot hot.
I watched Dallas religiously, from the year J.R. was shot until the end. That was my all-time favorite. J. R. Ewing was the most deliciously evil villian of all time.
I've been trying to get into another soap for the passed year since I began working from home again. I've tried watching All My Children, Days of Our Lives, even The Guiding Light again but, they just don't seem to hold my interest now. Watching those stories were fun. I enjoyed it alot and for a creature of habit like myself, the daily ritual was satisfying. Any suggestions? What is the absolute best soap on TV?
ahhhhhh I remember the actor who played Hampton Speakes on GL years ago. He was indeed beeeeeeauuuuutiful. Apparently a fine musician in real life as well.
When i was small and sick a lot, my mother and i used to watch As the world turns and Secret Storm and Edge of Night. As the world turns is the only survivor of those days. The actors who played Lisa and Bob 40 years ago are still there. Amazing.