Thu 24 Oct, 2002 04:43 pm
Last time that I watched soap operas was when my
son was an infant, and I had to stick around the house a lot. He's 42 now, so its been a
Hi Phoenix!
When my son was born, my then hubby had HBO added to our
television line-up, so I got very educated on popular movies!
The last thing I ever thought of doing was watching soap
operas! I watched General Hospital when I was a teen-ager. I even tuned back in when Luke and Laura reunited ~ but just for
the one episode (which turned into about three episodes, but nevermind!).
I guess the whole thing could be compared to
reading fiction, but I don't know.....I just 'feel' more intelligent reading a book than I do watching the same old people
cheating on their spouses, having children with their mistress', extorting money from their
I am proud to say I
never got hooked on the genre (it was game shows when my kids were little). Guess it's kind of un-American not to have been
hooked, though.
Waiting for incoming tomatoes.....
Bandylu.....Believe it or not, my son
is hooked on 'The Price is Right'. Whenever he has a day off of school, he loves watching that show!
Phoenix is a quiz-show ace! But of course!
Heh, I watch wrestling, does that count?
Basically, it's a soap opera with men in tights, throwing one another around. Oh, and lingerie matches. My husband is a big fan so it's something we watch together. Much like a soap, you can miss a few weeks and not be lost, as there's a great deal of repetition. Oh, Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit aren't getting along? Isn't that nice - they did that last month, and they're covering it again this month.
Repetition is right. I've read that the point is that busy housewives can wander in and out of the room and still keep track of what's going on, but it gets a bit ludicrous. When I was student teaching/doing an intensive grad student session on site, we had a short lunch break and couldn't go off campus so we would gather in the dorm lounge and make fun of soap operas while we ate. It was great -- we had bets about who would cheat on whom, etc. So that was a summer of watching "The Young and the Restless", about 6 years ago.
The other day we were at a friend's house, one of those types who has the TV going on ALL the time, whether she's watching it or not, and with captions on (she's deaf), and Y&TR was on, and it was like omigod still!!? I forget specifics but I totally knew what was going on.
By the way, Phoenix, you don't get to complain about diamonds making you dizzy. Sorry.
Sounds like the old Buck Rogers serial. A three minute review of the previous episode (whatever that was), two minutes of programming, a minute's worth of preview, and twenty-four minutes of advertising.
At the last place I worked a LOT of people taped and watched the soaps. I did for a while about a decade ago. I haven't used the VCR at all in about 2 year, haven't turned the t.v. on in about 3 months (why am i paying a satellite subscription?). but .... I am TOTALLY addicted to my soap opera magazine - i don't watch the soaps, but i HAVE to read about them. very weird.
Merv Griffin - Mike Douglas ! Wowm, how i loved those guys - sooooooo middle of the road. I wanted to be on the show, being interviewed about my famous husband <shakes head>. I was soooooo young once.
dammit! I watch ER and I am almost proud of it!
sort of.
Am I allowed to complain that sozobe's cross-eyed baby makes my eyes ache?
be proud, girl, be proud !
For you, Deb. (I've been wrasslin' with this 'un for a while now... trying to make it bigger.)
Thanks sozobe. I sure didn't want to mention it myself.