Move to make circumcision illegal

Reply Thu 8 Apr, 2004 07:45 am
dlowan wrote:
It came back, did it Wilso?

According to friends of mine who've had sons. I worked for many years with a guy who's got 8 (at last count). He's seen the evolution of beliefs first hand.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Apr, 2004 07:57 am
dlowan wrote:
I am wondering how widely felt such passion is?

It seems to me perfectly reasonable that such decisions are made, indeed, by the owner of the penis, when he is of such years as to make an informed decision.

However, I have never in actual life, nor in my work, come across a man - circumcised or not - who seems to give much of a fabulous flying **** about the state of his own penis in this regard - (while maintaining great interest in, and enthusiasm about, their penii in all other respects!) though certainly none of my friends have had their sons cut - (though most Aussie males of my generation are, themselves, circumcised).

Real life includes more than one's immediate circle of friends;





This survey indicated there are 52 million men in the US that are dissatisfied with their circumcision. This number almost exactly duplicates a study in Journeyman in 1991. It must be fairly accurate.

And maybe most in YOUR generation, but not NOW--


This file contains data on the incidence of male circumcision in Australia by state in 1995-96.

1995-96 Australian Circumcision Rates

State.........Male Births........Circumcisions......Percent
Age 0 to 6 Mo.

SA............11,00.............. .....352..................12.3%
NT............1,500....................130.................. 8.7%


Thanks to Mr John Shanahan, NOCIRC of Australia.

NOCIRC of Australia
P. O. Box 248
Menai Central, NSW 2234 Fax: (61)-2-543-0510

The Circumcision Information Resource Pages have received information to update the statistics through year 2000.

Statistics for June from

Table 1 -- Medicare claims for circumcision of males
less than 6 months of age in fiscal year ended June

|..........|1994 |1995 |1996 |1997 |1998 |1999 |2000 |

lNSW | 422 | 484 | 420 | 447 | 437 | 489 | 511 |

|. QLD | 369 | 374 | 328 | 375 | 378 | 440 | 419 |

| .VIC. | 152 | 119 | 89 | 140 | 149 | 163 | 116 |

|. SA . | 111 | 123 | 127 | 101 | 120 | 118 | 119 |

| .WA. | 73 | 92 | 68 | 88 | 93 | 68 | 52 |

|. TAS | 27 | 22 | 29 | 27 | 23 | 17 | 24 |

|. NT.. | 9 | 14 | 9 | 12 | 10 | 18 | 4 |

| ACT | 10 | 8 | 10 | 4 | 10 | 7 | 11 |

| AUS |1173 |1236 |1080 |1194 |1220 |1320 |1256 |

| (a) | 21 | 21 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 21 | 21 |

| (b) | 56 | 59 | 57 | 60 | 58 | 63 | 60 |

(a) Number of work days in month
(b) Number of claims processed per work day

Table 2 -- Medicare claims for circumcision of males less than 6 months of age for fiscal year ended June

...........| 1994 | 1995 |1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 |

| NSW | 5659 | 5600 | 5146 | 5573 | 5667 | 5806 | 6169 |

| QLD | 4110 | 4190 | 4151 | 4477 | 4687 | 4893 | 4915 |

| VIC | 1959 | 1813 | 1698 | 1719 | 1627 | 1677 | 1516 |

| SA | 1390 | 1417 | 1345 | 1336 | 1356 | 1358 | 1415 |

| WA | 925 | 890 | 874 | 886 | 853 | 809 | 836 |

| TAS | 303 | 305 | 330 | 3 38 | 306 | 319 | 309 |

| NT | 188 | 130 | 137 | 128 | 144 | 146 | 135 |

| ACT | 124 | 113 | 107 | 107 | 83 | 116 | 117 |

| AUS |14658 |14458 |13788 |14564 |14723 |15124 |15412 |

Table 3 -- Rate of circumcision of males (percent) less than 6 months of age for fiscal years ended in June

.......... | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 |

| NSW | 12.3 | 12.3 | 11.4 | 12.5 | 12.8 | 13.3 | 14.2 |

| QLD | 16.3 | 16.7 | 16.7 | 18.2 | 19.3 | 20.4 | 20.6 |

| VIC | 6.0 | 5.6 | 5.2 | 5.4 | 5.1 | 5.4 | 4.9 |

| SA | 14.3 | 14.7 | 14.0 | 14.1 | 14.5 | 14.6 | 15.4 |

| WA | 7.0 | 6.8 | 6.7 | 6.9 | 6.7 | 6.4 | 6.7 |

| TAS | 9.4 | 9.6 | 10.4 | 10.8 | 9.9 | 10.4 | 10.2 |

| NT | 9.3 | 6.5 | 6.9 | 5.2 | 4.1 | 5.8 | 5.9 |

| AUS | 10.9 | 10.8 | 10.4 | 11.1 | 11.4 | 11.8 | 12.1 |

Table 4 -- Medicare claims for circumcision of males for fiscal year ended June 2, 2000.

| Age | Number |

l 0- 4 | 17,327 | (Mainly neonatal)

| 5-14 | 1,666 | (Mainly Muslim)

| 15-24 | 316 |

| 25-34 | 240 |

| 35-44 | 172 |

| 45-54 | 139 |

| 55-64 | 167 |

| 65-74 | 114 |

| 75-84 | 58 |

| >=85 | 24 |

| Total | 20,223 |

Source: Health Insurance Commission.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Apr, 2004 07:59 am
Setanta wrote:
Wait a minute here--Keviesmum, inferentially a woman, is an expert on male penile sensitivity? Damn good thing i read this--i know so little about my own body, i always look for anonymous women to tell me how blighted and empty my experiences are.

Hardly an expert--just someone with the facts and evidence. What one does with these is not my concern.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Apr, 2004 08:01 am
dumbly doubled up post - Embarrassed
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Apr, 2004 08:02 am
Wilso wrote:
I made a post earlier in the thread and was abused for it. For many years in Oz, it was commonplace. Then it was moved away from. Then it came back about 15 years ago, and now there seems to be a move away from it again. And I'm sure each time the cycle changes there have been what appear to be very justifiable reasons for it.

The keyword here seems to be "appear". Appearances can be deceiving--especially when flawed and deceitful studies are used to present these "appearences".
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Apr, 2004 08:04 am
Lol! You seem VERY concerned, Mum me dear.

Thank you for telling me that real life includes more than friends - and clients - I am quite aware of this fact - nonetheless, it is interesting to meet a small group of zealots when one has not before.

Thank you also for undelining the point I made - that there has been generational shift. I was, as I wrote, quite aware of it. In fact, I support it, for reasons that you may also have neglected to read. it is good to read what people say. you know - instead of merely assuming you know. But, I believe I bump my gums bootlessly.

Not that I think zealots necessarily wrong - it is just of interest.

Speaking of friends and such - you seem entirely to discount what many of the men here say - that they are offended by your assumptions thay they must necessarily feel somehow emasculated, or lesser.

pray, what is the reason for that?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Apr, 2004 08:07 am
keviesmum wrote:

Real life includes more than one's immediate circle of friends;

Keviesmum, dlowan is a psychologist/social worker (?). I'd be very careful about denigrating her real life experience. As for the statistics you quoted, in searching for statistics myself, I"ve found that there are ALWAYS two sets of stats. Those produced by either side of an issue. And they always seem to tell the story wanted by the side they were published by.

I might also say that I've never heard a man complain that he was circumcised. Not once. Nor do I ever think about it myself, except when discussions like this arise, which only serves to remind me that most of the time I don't think about it.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Apr, 2004 08:13 am
Very potent, bunny. I agree, and also don't give a crap that I was circumcised. Apparently, keviesmum (or dad) doesn't agree that an obsession with being circumcised is a psychological problem, not necessarily a physical one. Rolling Eyes Female circumcision is much more damaging physically than male circumcision. I expect I will get a request for "studies" to prove this, but I'm not going to bother. As to Craven's post, it is true that with hindsight, you will probably be hard-pressed to find anyone who would characterize the idea as "pleasant", but I just don't feel that the government has the right to outlaw a practice that for some, is a serious religious undertaking

Apparently you are unaware that most MGM's are merely the (C)litoral (H)ood (E)xcision? Hardly MORE damaging then MGM

It should be left up to the individual to choose, in the secular world. In the religious world, well, they should be allowed their right to circumsize their kids. In the Jewish faith, the ceremony (the Bris) is conducted by a Mohel, basically a circumcision expert. In fact, that's all they do, so it's akin to going to heart specialist if you have a heart problem. The baby gets lightly anaethesitized with some fine, yuckily sweet kosher wine, and basically passes out for the whole thing. As for doctors doing this, well, they are not specialists in this area.

Herein lies an oxymoron--"individual" where in thei sprocess does the individual having his penis mutilated CHOOSE?

I think you need to face the reality of what actually occurs--yes the baby passes out--from the trauma.

Another thought....how different is circumcision from any other sort of body modification? This question of course rests on the idea of consent. Kay, off to mutilate more babies. Have fun. :wink:

It is different from other body modifications in that the person whose body is being modified CHOOSES to have it down. It is not forced onto them as infants. And THEY are the one's choosing to cause damage on their OWN bodies. I realize that this is a moral and ethical issue, and frankly an easy one I find to understand.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Apr, 2004 08:15 am
Please stop addressing and quoting me directly, keviesmum, I have already stated I am no longer interested in this discussion. Thank you for your understanding.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Apr, 2004 08:19 am
I am interested in your sources and some comments as to their provenance and possible biases, KM, re female genital mutilation.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Apr, 2004 08:23 am
dlowan wrote:
Lol! You seem VERY concerned, Mum me dear.

Thank you for telling me that real life includes more than friends - and clients - I am quite aware of this fact - nonetheless, it is interesting to meet a small group of zealots when one has not before.

Thank you also for undelining the point I made - that there has been generational shift. I was, as I wrote, quite aware of it. In fact, I support it, for reasons that you may also have neglected to read. it is good to read what people say. you know - instead of merely assuming you know. But, I believe I bump my gums bootlessly.

Not that I think zealots necessarily wrong - it is just of interest.

Speaking of friends and such - you seem entirely to discount what many of the men here say - that they are offended by your assumptions thay they must necessarily feel somehow emasculated, or lesser.

pray, what is the reason for that?

Being a rational and logical person as I stated when I joined, I do not believe in empty anecdotes (especially when such anecdotes are based on ignroance and/or denial of the damage done--and are contradicted by some studies available). This is WHY we have the studies--to either confirm or contradict anecdotes. So forgive me for trying to be factual here.

And forgive me for actually having done my research and having the studies to support my assertions and for spending a modicum of time here trying to educate people--and for believing that having facts and evidence are important to have. Myths, old-wives tales, and superstition have little merit to me whan I have the facts and evidence.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Apr, 2004 08:32 am
Wilso wrote:
keviesmum wrote:

Real life includes more than one's immediate circle of friends;

Keviesmum, dlowan is a psychologist/social worker (?). I'd be very careful about denigrating her real life experience. As for the statistics you quoted, in searching for statistics myself, I"ve found that there are ALWAYS two sets of stats. Those produced by either side of an issue. And they always seem to tell the story wanted by the side they were published by.

I might also say that I've never heard a man complain that he was circumcised. Not once. Nor do I ever think about it myself, except when discussions like this arise, which only serves to remind me that most of the time I don't think about it.

How is providing some actual studies in any way denigrating one's PERSONAL experiences... it seems to me to be merely applying an evaluation of the two in favor of a standard study. IF her experiences warrant it, let her publish them in a medical journal.

As for there being two sets of facts, I would be interested in a set from you to compare. Or is all I get is another empty assertion?

As for your not knowing anyone complaining about circumcision, once again, thanks for your personal opinion, but I hardly think this is an acceptable rebuttal--however if you could provide on, I would gladly welcome one.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Apr, 2004 08:33 am
Hmmmm - where do I start?

You see, I basically agree with your position - based on ideas re right to informed consent, worries about culturally based surgery, knowledge of trauma's effects on the infant - however, your lack of respect and tolerance and reasonable approaches to folk - many of whom possess the dicks of which you speak, and are telling you how they feel - plus your seeming inability to entertain the possibility of any view other than yours having any merit - and your arrogance in believing that folk here need educating - are making me highly suspicious of you and your studies.

Rational and logical? Hmmmmmmm - I find that rational and logical folk are usually are far more able to comprehend and acknowledge other's points of view and are not so prone to denigrate their opponents.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Apr, 2004 08:34 am
You see, an essential component of rationality seems to me to be the understanding that people of goodwill and intelligence may have different views...
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Apr, 2004 08:35 am
cavfancier wrote:
Please stop addressing and quoting me directly, keviesmum, I have already stated I am no longer interested in this discussion. Thank you for your understanding.

If you are no longer interested in this discussion, then stop posting and drop out--that is your choice.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Apr, 2004 08:36 am
Rolling Eyes Okay, whatever.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Apr, 2004 08:41 am
dlowan wrote:
Hmmmm - where do I start?

You see, I basically agree with your position - based on ideas re right to informed consent, worries about culturally based surgery, knowledge of trauma's effects on the infant - however, your lack of respect and tolerance and reasonable approaches to folk - many of whom possess the dicks of which you speak, and are telling you how they feel - plus your seeming inability to entertain the possibility of any view other than yours having any merit - and your arrogance in believing that folk here need educating - are making me highly suspicious of you and your studies.

Rational and logical? Hmmmmmmm - I find that rational and logical folk are usually are far more able to comprehend and acknowledge other's points of view and are not so prone to denigrate their opponents.

Acknowledging and accepting are two different things..I do not acknowlege the rights of people to deny another of the basic right to bodily integrity. the right to NOT be caused unnecessary pain and damage.

And the right to know the facts.. if you wish to think of presenting the facts to others is denigrating, then I must respectfully disagree--truth is truth and if avoidance of it is necessary to not denigrate, then what is to be done with the truth--deny it? pretend it does not exist? What does either accomplish?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Apr, 2004 08:46 am
Truth in general also has a spin doctor, not a medical doctor, in control. You ask for rights on behalf of the multilated (in your eyes) babies, poor victims, but seem to have no concern whatsoever for say, abused, beaten children with crack whores as mothers, and the list could go on. If you really are soooo concerned about "the innocent abused children", put your zeal to better use. As regards "rights", just because I said I wasn't interested in this discussion (i.e. your opinions and supposed 'facts') does not negate my right to post here as much as I want, even if it's just to annoy you.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Apr, 2004 08:52 am
keviesmum wrote:
Wilso wrote:
I made a post earlier in the thread and was abused for it. For many years in Oz, it was commonplace. Then it was moved away from. Then it came back about 15 years ago, and now there seems to be a move away from it again. And I'm sure each time the cycle changes there have been what appear to be very justifiable reasons for it.

The keyword here seems to be "appear". Appearances can be deceiving--especially when flawed and deceitful studies are used to present these "appearences".

Can I assume that you may be mislead by flawed and deceitful studies? Or are the studies you refer to not "flawed and deceitful" because they fit the facts you want them to?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Apr, 2004 09:19 am
"And the right to know the facts.. if you wish to think of presenting the facts to others is denigrating, then I must respectfully disagree--truth is truth and if avoidance of it is necessary to not denigrate, then what is to be done with the truth--deny it? pretend it does not exist? What does either accomplish?"

No, KM - I do not think the presentation of facts is denigrating - I think your manner frequently is. However, much of what you present as fact - namely your studies of how men feel re circumcision, are assemblages of what you call anecdotes, are they not?

As I said, I do not especially oppose them, but to counter the anecdotes of the men on this thread, and others about whom others, including me, have commented, with 52 million men feel dissatisfaction - hmmmmmm - I have not waded through your studies, nor, probably, shall I - since I have a position based on other reasons - but I do wonder how unbiased and properly constructed this research is, given your enduring tone and manner and mission.
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