Mon 6 Sep, 2004 08:10 pm
"Too many good docs are getting out of the business," he told the Labor Day rally "Too many OB/GYN's aren't able to practice their love with women all across the country."
I didn't know the crisis was that bad.
Is this being worked into that constitutional amendment about marriage?
Thanks PDiddie, its even funnier to hear it than read it.
Bush had better stop hitting the bottle and start sucking his thumb so he can remember his lines.
"Too many good docs are getting out of the business," he told the Labor Day rally "Too many OB/GYN's aren't able to practice their love with women all across the country."
That's very funny, BBB. Those poor women will be so deprived!
Is it possible for a world leader to be such a freakin' dumb ass?
Kerry has lost already
Such stupid talk by commie liberals,,,,Kerry has already lost. He is a war hero you know. Came back from the war after 4 months and denounced the USA and every Vet that served in Nam. Also denounced all that served in the military other than during Vietnam. Kerry is a loser.
That last sentence explains your choice of screen name perfectly.
Re: Kerry has lost already
John Kerry wrote:Such stupid talk by commie liberals,,,,Kerry has already lost. He is a war hero you know. Came back from the war after 4 months and denounced the USA and every Vet that served in Nam. Also denounced all that served in the military other than during Vietnam. Kerry is a loser.
Have I thought to welcome you to A2K John Kerry? Your future here is indeed a bright one...and I predict that you will soar to the top spot in the hearts of most A2Kers quickly with your sunny and cheerful demeanor and uncanny ability to say just the right thing to endear yourself.....I sahll enjoy watching and bathing in the warm glow of your enabling and uplifting posts.......thank you, thank you for joining this community.
[Slaps hand to forehead. Shakes head and prays this doesn't make the international news.]
Um. If how will we ever earn the respect we lost with a SCHMO like Bush in office? Unbelievable!
PKB wrote:[Slaps hand to forehead. Shakes head and prays this doesn't make the international news.]
If how will we ever earn the respect we lost with a SCHMO like Bush in office? Unbelievable!
Ok. I was just so flabergasted by the whole OB/GYN quote from Bush that I apparently can't think to type a response correctly. Ignore the
John Kerry
John Kerry
PKB, as a newbie, have you noticed the little "edit" button above your post? You can edit out your mind lapse booboos.
That is your leader speaking.
Disclaimer:he does not represent me.
au1929 wrote:That is your leader speaking.
Disclaimer:he does not represent me.
You're not an American? I thought you were...
Bah. Though Bush technically is the public servant of all of us, he cannot be said to speak for the country by any stretch of the imagination.... very few presidents can.
You can have him he is to dumb for me.
You may not like, agree or stand bush, but he is your representative. Deal with it and vote him out if you don't want him to represent you. Until such time as that happens though, he DOES represent you.
The comedians no longer need script writers George Bush supplies then with all the material they need.