revelette2 wrote:
she sent and received emails messages which were not classified at the time she received or sent them.
You either did not hear or read Comey's statement or you are deliberately holding on to the Clinton lie as a means for disinformation.
There were over 100 Clinton e-mail
that were classified at the time she received or sent them. Some were even classified
Secret and Top Secret. Many were part of a 1000 + batch of e-mail that Clinton did not turn over to State, but which had been deleted. The FBI went through a painstaking process of reassembling these e-mail, but there are thousands more which were very thoroughly and professionally destroyed by her lawyers, and, in all likelihood, we will never know what they contained.
While there are, no doubt, plenty of cynical partisans out there who are focused on obfuscating the truth and using lies for damage control, I don't, for a minute believe you are one of them. (Maybe for a second, but not for a minute - sorry, I couldn't resist

This leads me to believe you just don't care what the truth might be. For whatever reason, you've long ago made up your mind that Clinton is your choice for the White House, and having signed on to the campaign/mission/crusade, you are not about to allow a counter-narrative, regardless of how well founded in the truth it may be, to break your focus. So you've studied and possibly memorized all of the Clinton Campaign talking points to the extent you can recite them in your sleep
(You certainly recite them in this forum ad nauseum).
When someone introduces a counter-narrative, your senses shut down and your brain flips instantly to
defense mode. You pride yourself for the cleverness of your rebuttals, when they are simply regurgitation of what you've been fed by your tribal leaders.
You, in reality, have less trust in the media and our institutions than do I, because your convinced that the only source of truth on any of these matters is that which is disseminated by the tribal elders, and their agents. Anything and everything coming out of the mouth of an Obama or Clinton critic is immediately suspect or dismissed. The tribal elders and their spin squad are quite good at letting you know all the reasons why anyone saying anything bad about them can't be trusted
This is exactly what the Clinton Campaign is counting on.
If you listened at all, all you listened for was whether or not she would be indicted.
No indictment? Revert back to Clinton Campaign E-Mail Defense Talking Point List, and claim she has been exonerated by the FBI
Comey obliterated her defenses so now you and her Campaign are going to have to come up with some new spin or join the minimizing fan group:
It was just a case of poor judgment.