Questions regarding my current relationship..

Reply Wed 29 Jun, 2016 03:45 am
Hi everyone,

My name is Josh and this is my current situation, in which i am currently stuck into: Me and my girlfriend have been together for about 2 years now. We've meet during the first year of university in U.K. Even if we studying different subjects, we found quite a lot of things in common during the time and there's still a lot to be found out. During the first year, we had a boom in our relationship, I never had a girlfriend before, she never had a boyfriend before, and was so unique to find out more about each other, a true love story. As the time went on, the summer vacation arrived and we had to go back to our country. We meet face to face each week, at least one time. Bear in mind, there were times when we meet for about 3 times and when we had sleepovers at each other places or weeks where we didn't meet, so it was all good from this point of view. She had issues adapting to the living style of U.K, and she still does. The food and the culture was so different for her that it a way it made her to hate it. As in every relationship we had arguments over things that were not right and stuff which we should have done and we didn't do. She is quite an introvert type of girl and she doesn't want to experience the world, because it's a great economical deal for her to be able to do this. I was quite upset, because we are young and we haven't been anywhere but places nearby us in these two years. It's a not a big deal, but i tried anything to make her come, even pay her to expenses and stuff like that, but she didn't want to. As the start of the next university year came in, we decided to stick together in the same halls apartment, because it was cheaper for us and we could save some money, and we wanted to be closer to each other and enjoy more time together. She loved being the housewife type of woman during the first few months but as the time went on, she developed even more hatred towards the British culture, and was harder and harder for her to keep up with the lifestyle of a student. There were times where she was counting the days until we went back home. During the end of the year, we had a bit more issues and we were arguing over nothing and basically our sex life was getting so bad, that we had sex one time a month or something close to that, keeping in mine that in the first year, we were doing it a couple times a day or at least one time a day. Now that we finally home, she distanced herself and we haven't saw each other for a couple of weeks because she's taking another university course back home, at distance. So she only has to take exams every time she comes back from U.K in the summer. I've obtained a summer internship back in U.K, and I have to leave in a few days period. I've tried to ask her to go out and have some time for the last days, as she's done with the exams, but she doesn't want to really. It's an odd situation for me because i won't be able to see her for 3 months in a row, which doesn't make me happy at all. I don't know what to think now and what to do, as this is a weird situation for me and for her as well. Don't get me wrong, i love her so much, that i can't describe it. At the end of the course, she intends to come back home and work here, whereas I want to stay in U.K and work full-time. I don't know what to think based on this situation, but it's like she needs me when we are there during the university to keep composure and be calm but when we finally finish everything and go back home she doesn't want to see me or spend any time with me. I'd really appreciate any advice on this situation.

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Reply Wed 29 Jun, 2016 04:57 am
Sounds like your relationship is not going to last, unless you compromise on where to live. The two of you could attempt to live in a different place. There are far more places in the world than the UK and wherever she is from.

You can also attempt a long-distance relationship for a few months. Generally, those go better if there is a set time limit to them. Consider whether you want to truly commit, and whether you want to go where she is, or go to a third place.
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Reply Wed 29 Jun, 2016 06:12 am
Theres nothing in your post that indicates she wants this relationship to work or that she will even try to make it work. I think you "love" her because shes the first one. That means nothing to her.

Be realistic about this. She's fading away.

She also sounds depressed. Do you really want to live with that?
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Reply Wed 29 Jun, 2016 11:23 am
I'm not entirely sure what to do, i'm willing to work anywhere in Europe, wherever there are civilised working conditions. She in fact depressed, as she's seeing a physiology doctor about this. I've literally tried anything to make it work for us, but I can't spend an infinite amount of time around her, because what I am studying doesn't really allow me. Most of the times she's staying back home in the halls, while least I'm at university working. I know for a fact that she still cares about me, but is it worth the sacrifice?
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