How Many Members Would Prefer Homogeneity?

Finn dAbuzz
Reply Mon 20 Jun, 2016 01:01 pm
nimh wrote:

When the populist, anti-immigrant, anti-muslim right first emerged in Holland as a major force, I spent about a year on one of their web forums, reading along and interacting, with a little distance, because I was curious. Now, 14 years later, i can predict their rhetoric in my dreams and there is nothing intriguing, instructive or interesting anymore about their ravings. As for you, specifically, I appreciate your input in some threads (like the one about the toddler and the alligator), but your thread about jo cox's assassination fell firmly in the latter category. Apologetic posts about acts of domestic terrorism aren't objectionable because they're "conservative" but because they're apologetic posts about acts of domestic terrorism.

First of all, there is a very huge difference between understanding why people act certain ways and endorsing those actions.

I didn't apologize for the murder of the British MP, I merely pointed out that it along with all of the right-wing nationalism growing in Europe is predictable.

Isn't this the progressive way? Let's understand why the black, Hispanic, Muslim (pick you favorite victim group) killed that entire family in the DC suburbs, and let's apply that understanding to his or her punishment.

I suspect that I am in favor of a punishment for the madman or vile creature who killed than poor woman, that is much harsher than any you or those who criticized me would wish.

If you or those of a like mind don't wish to appreciate that the multi-cultural based appeasement of Muslim immigrants in Europe has helped lead to a backlash, so be it. Do you really think your "side" has been 100% correct in this matter? Nothing to regret?

All the Dutch who have capitulated to Muslim immigrant demands are righteous while Pim Fortuyn and Theo Van Gough deserved to be murdered, and Geert Wilders has earned the fatwas calling for his death?

This is how morally corrupt the modern left has become: Bill Clinton was excused of his utterly clear sexual predations, BY FEMINISTS, in favor of his political leanings. Pim Fortuyn, a homosexual who denounced any number of right-wing groups was evil because of Islamaphobia.

This heinous crime https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotherham_child_sexual_exploitation_scandal has bee largely untouched by progressives, but if there was a right-winger to blame for it this forum would have been flooded with related threads and posts.

I recognize you and a number of your confreres as very intelligent people, however I can only assume that your politics have driven you mad because there is no logical consistency. It's all the popular emotion; all the time.

As for you (you pompous ass)

If you read my posts and find some of them rational (OK - now tell me the only one you thought was thus was the Disney alligator thread), then the "good guy" progressive response would be: "This guy has posted a number of things with which I agree, but here's one that riles me. My choice is to ask for information or condemn" And the progressive response is always: Condemn. You progressives are obsessed with condemnation.

0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Mon 20 Jun, 2016 01:03 pm
Thank you sturgis.

It's not a matter of "big boy pants"

It's a matter of whether or not I can respond rationally to the irrational. Sadly, I've not been overly successful in this regard.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Jun, 2016 01:48 pm
The entire Constitution is superior to ordinary laws.

Do you mean the entire Constitution or just the parts you personally like?

The entire Constitution includes describing the role of the Courts in deciding what is Constitutional. When the Courts decide that states can ban "assault weapons", do you agree with the Constitution then?
Reply Mon 20 Jun, 2016 02:03 pm
Leavenworth ain't British.
Reply Mon 20 Jun, 2016 09:23 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,

Would you be offended by a thread blaming American servicemen for 9/11? Think about why this is offensive... and then maybe you can understand why people were offended by your thread on Jo Cox.

In all of my time interacting with you on Able2know, this is the first time I have truly been offended by something you posted.

Reply Mon 20 Jun, 2016 10:19 pm
parados wrote:
Do you mean the entire Constitution or just the parts you personally like?

The entire Constitution.

parados wrote:
The entire Constitution includes describing the role of the Courts in deciding what is Constitutional. When the Courts decide that states can ban "assault weapons", do you agree with the Constitution then?

When courts make rulings that are counter to the Constitution, I of course side with the Constitution and against the courts. So would anyone else who values the Constitution.

The NRA will defend the Constitution even when the courts do not, at least on a federal level (those states where Liberals reign unopposed are screwed until the courts start enforcing the Constitution).

Getting Trump into the White House will get the courts to start enforcing the Second Amendment. The 2013 gun control debacle should make Trump a shoo-in, but if you want to help America to save the Constitution from the Liberals, every vote for Trump helps.
Reply Mon 20 Jun, 2016 11:07 pm
Don't look now, Trump's dropping like a rock. He hasn't spent a nickel on advertising in June. It's beginning to look like Trump hasn't got the money he says he has, and is relying on help from the GOP that he's not getting.

He may not emerge from the Republican convention with the nomination.
Reply Mon 20 Jun, 2016 11:24 pm
But that can't be true! Trump is supposed to herald in 20 years of a Republican White House!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Jun, 2016 11:55 pm
Blickers wrote:
Don't look now, Trump's dropping like a rock. He hasn't spent a nickel on advertising in June. It's beginning to look like Trump hasn't got the money he says he has, and is relying on help from the GOP that he's not getting.

The impact of the 2013 gun control debacle will be a huge help to him.

Blickers wrote:
He may not emerge from the Republican convention with the nomination.

Whoever the Republican nominee is will be helped mightily by the effects of the 2013 gun control debacle.
Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2016 12:55 am
So you must've lost faith that "Mr Trump" will be the beginning of 20 years of conservative reign in the White house? Because I haven't seen you crowing that nonsense lately...
Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2016 02:08 am
snood wrote:
So you must've lost faith that "Mr Trump" will be the beginning of 20 years of conservative reign in the White house?


If Trump gets in the White House, the Democrats won't be in the White House for the next 20 years.

And the 2013 gun control debacle should ensure that Trump will get in the White House.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2016 06:04 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:
It just about the colour of socks, I suppose.

On Saturday I will be at US Cellular Field cheering for the Chicago White
Sox, so I guess it evens out.
Region Philbis
Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2016 06:09 am

say it ain't so...
Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2016 06:16 am
@Region Philbis,
They are playing the Blue Jays.
I ain't cheering for another team within our division.
At least during the regular season.
Man's gotta have standards.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2016 06:26 am

When courts make rulings that are counter to the Constitution, I of course side with the Constitution and against the courts. So would anyone else who values the Constitution.

Even though you just said you value the ENTIRE Constitution?

It's pretty clear you only value the parts you agree with and hate the other parts when they don't agree with you.
Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2016 06:30 am
parados wrote:
Even though you just said you value the ENTIRE Constitution?

Of course.

parados wrote:
It's pretty clear you only value the parts you agree with and hate the other parts when they don't agree with you.

No part of the Constitution disagrees with me.
Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2016 07:47 am
I am well aware of the location of Leavenworth, Roger. I was making a point on how things often go around these parts. Do one thing wrong or perceived as wrong and a herd of wild elk come running at you.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2016 07:49 am
I was kinda glad when they drafted my ass that they asked me to defend the constitution and not the courts.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2016 10:29 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
Please be honest...Would you prefer that people like me not participate in these discussions?
I'm not sure what your phrase "people like me" is intended to mean and I can't recall an instance when any of your text was of concern to me. In fact no posters' text for the entire time I've been on A2k has been of any particular concern to me.

A2k is nothing more than an internet forum that has at times had topics of interest to me. I wish you well in whatever endeavors suit your purposes and you can be assured that I am fine with your participation.

Agree, disagree, ignore, justify, rationalize, etc. all these and more are available to any poster.
Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2016 10:41 am
A2k is nothing more than an internet forum that has at times had topics of interest to me.
Hope you discover people someday. Even in cyberspace they can be interesting and fun.

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