Wed 15 Jun, 2016 01:59 pm
ok so here is. my husband and I have been married for 4 years and leaving together for 7. my mom committed suicide the day I gave birth to our daughter. I got very depressed, I used school to cope w my depression. I was not giving him any attention nor to my daughter. I do not even remember that year I was so depressed. I left to visit my broher and told him I needed to go away,I did not know what I wanted, that I would let him know, then he starting acting strange, so I got in his FB account and found he was already talking to another girl,saying they wanted to meet, and I want to eat you out etc. he even called her the nickname he calls me, I was so upset that I said I was not coming back, long story short he begged and I came back, then another time, again I left w my brother. He is in the military and my only family, then this time around we were ok, at least that is what I thought. He went to the strip club down in mexico, where there is pure prostitution. He didnt get home to his family who lives there, he stayed out all night, got out with a girl, and his cousin too. he says his cousin was with her not him, well then I found a condom in his car. he says is his cousin's not his. I dont believe that BS, but I stayed. now here is the current situation, I been a nursing student. he helped me with everything so I could finish. then one time he wanted to go to Mexico w a friend and his family for 15 days, At first I said ok, I studied all the time anyways. then I started to think everything he had done, and I told him I just couldn't do it, so he dint go. now that I graduated from nursing school a week ago, I decided to go to vegas this past weekend with my classmates, only girls. now he is all upset,wont talk to me or even let me touch him. he says I should have celebrated w him first that I'm messed up. he did go out to clubs w his cousins while I stayed hm to study. I let him go even after cheating, but now I'm evil and bad bc I left with my friends for a weekend. I am ready to leave, can not take this bs, but just need to know, I'm I wrong??? I should not have gone with my frinds? thanks if you take the time to read it all.
Your problems are deeper than a Vegas trip.
I think you two need marriage counseling. Figure out what being married (or not) is going to look like, particularly in light of what is best for your daughter.
Where is your daughter in all this? For the first year, you didn't pay her any attention? Who took care of her and who takes care of her while you're partying or your husband? It seems you're both way too young to commit to one another let alone being parents.
Here you have a helpless child and all you care about is yourself!