sorry, hehe blame my 5yr old, her timing is so good it cracks me up every time
Your inner five year old is a female?
haha, nuh, she came out a long time ago!
starts school this week!
Congratulations, lunar canine, to your scholarly progeny. I do hope she is not lead astray into marsupial conundrums such as is the wont of the cunning coney . . .
I'm just burnin'
Doin' the neutron dance . . .
My outer "shell" has the proper number of electrons to balance me snub!
what the heck does any of this have to do with koala bears?
pssst, can ya cook 'um. and if so, do they have a minty flavor?
Hmmmmm - I guess we digressed.
I imagine they have been eaten - I imagine they would taste of eucalyptus oil.
....hear they make great flambeaux.....running away! running away!.....
when we go to oz, can we try one? rare for me please.