edgarblythe wrote:
I am said to be bitter because people are telling themselves I am bitter, on the political threads. A lot of it is attacking the messenger, if the message riles. I am not so bitter. Just honest and hard headed enough to fight for humanity. I am still doing and saying what I did when I marched for civil rights and against the Vietnam War. People have been lured away from idealism. It is not me that has changed a bit.
The major Civil Rights marches were a little bit before my time, but I too marched against the Vietnam War...more to the point, I marched against sending young men into a meat grinder with no intention of making their sacrifices worth something by actually trying to win the war. The first chink in my youthful liberal armor developed when I saw how many of my fellow "protesters" treated the returning young men who had already been ground up, especially if they had the temerity to defend their actions while there and the war in general.
I certainly never saw it or any further actions of mine as "fighting for humanity." That prevalent notion led to another chink. The principles within the grandiose rhetoric of "revolutionaries" and "activists" was very rarely evident in their personal lives and a lifetime spent carrying placards and chanting slogans may seem, to some, to be worthy of honor, but I'm not impressed.
I may have been the only one in the huge crowd marching in DC against the War, for whom, feeling cool and righteous about being there was a considerable source of motivation to participate, but I doubt it.
I suppose this somewhat misanthropic point of view can lead to charges that I am bitter too, and to an extent, I must agree with those who level them. Given the degree of hypocritical, sanctimonious bullshit that permeates all crusades (including the "fights for humanity") it's tough not to allow disappointment and disillusionment lead to some measure of cynicism and bitterness.
Still, I agree that you have, for the most part, been consistent in the views you've shared here...with the exception of anything that has to do with polite debate and accepting opposing views without rancor. This is something to value, and A2K wouldn't, for better or worse, be the same without you.
It's not easy to remain open to other ideas. If you are trying to be more open than you have been, that is something to value as well. Good luck.