(I agree with this. I'm worried.)
Guardian interview with Michael Moore...
June 5, 2016
Can you explain Donald Trump to a European?
I’m thinking how to put this… I’m sure you’ve noticed Americans are very alpha. Like, we’re number one! We’re number one! We’re the best! Trump is that on steroids. And it’s a tune that Americans like to listen to. Not all Americans, not the majority, but this isn’t going to be an election about the majority. It’s about who’s going to vote. We have a country where we try very hard to get 50% of the people to vote. You have to remember, 80% of this country is either female, people of colour or young adults between the ages of 18 and 35. He has offended all three of these groups to such a large degree there’s no way he could win a majority of women, blacks, Hispanics or young people. That’s off the table. But he can win if the other side stays home, and let me tell you something, nobody is going to be excited to get up that morning and vote for Hillary Clinton, even if you like her. She does not inspire that in people. Trump, on the other hand, inspires his side. It’s like Munich in 1932.
Is it? Is it fascism?
It is fascism, of course it is. Absolutely. Yes. He wants to combine the power of capital with the power of the state and to use the “other” to drive a huge amount of fear into people’s hearts. That’s working well with the 19%, that’s all that’s left of white men in America over the age of 35. The country’s changing but they are not going to go quietly and that’s why you see how big and how angry the whole thing is. I have told people to take it very seriously. Look, of course, he’s a clown. He’s a performance artist. He’s a buffoon. He’s all these things.