What does Kerry offer?

Reply Mon 30 Aug, 2004 07:40 pm
shaggydog wrote:
Dont tread, either you don't read much or your idea of arguing is to force an opponent to restate himself constantly. Boring.

ow! ouch! pow! ugh ! ow! he got me!

while i never claim to be an expert, i have read enough FROM BOTH SIDES to have a some sort of clue who's been doing and is doing what. and i get on boards like this to discuss, debate and have a little fun. not argue.

but since you mention it, boring is when opinion is stated as fact with no back up material. ya ain't never gonna convert the heathens without the word, brother. :wink:

i and others have posted here and on other boards rebuttals with proofs to your stated "facts". and frankly, i'm tired of reposting the same answers to the same bombs.

kerry's "nothing to show" depends on what you call nothing. he's done a lot for veterans benefits and rights. same with military spending. bills and/or amendments to curb reckless spending and a variety of issues. maybe some of them you don't find important. others do. gosh, you don't even have to agree with how he voted. but, just because you don't like how he votes doesn't render it unto nothing.

if you care to take the time, you can learn about that here;
thomas- congress on the web

lets see now... what was your next "fact"?

oh, yeah... "kerry's lies"... with no examples or proof...

o.k...no wmds in iraq, no tasty yellowcake from niger, no flights of drones, the troops will be met with candy by the grateful liberated iraqi people, "1.5 -2.0 billion dollars max to pay for the war, we don't intend to spend more", "mission accomplished".... etc., etc.,

do you really want to get into who lies?

i don't. been there done that.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Aug, 2004 09:52 pm
shaggydog wrote:
and also teamed with McCain to investigate POW's, a good thing.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 31 Aug, 2004 03:52 am
1q2w3e wrote:
shaggydog wrote:
and also teamed with McCain to investigate POW's, a good thing.

He actually "investigated" POW's in order to bury the issue, not to give a real investigation.

1) do you really think that of all people, jack mack would let something like this go with out denunciation?

2) since when, do people of the "non-liberal" set listen to;" Sydney H. Schanberg is a staff writer at The Village Voice." the villiage voice?
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