Tue 24 Aug, 2004 12:38 pm
What's your favorite commercial on TV? It can be funny, sad, empowering...
Mine's the one endorsing some kind of cleaning agent like Lysol or something. A man is seen diving into a pool from the diving board. After he hits the water and is shown clearly enjoying himself under the water, a little boy pops out and says, "Mommy! I don't have to pee anymore!"
And that is why I don't swim.
They should make a product you can add to swimming pools, where if someone pees in the pool, a chemical reaction turns the pee bright red or green or blue. That way everyone knows who peed and can run out of the pool ASAP.
I'll have to think on it a bit more but one of my favorites is that Staples office supply places ad where the person is dancing through the aisles to "It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year". The final shot shows three grouchy looking kids and the announcer says something about a "back to school" sale.
For me it varies. I'm currently quite fond of the Geico commercial where the family is singing She'll be Coming 'Round the Mountain (or some kids song) and then the Gecko breaks out into Kung Fu Fighting.
The one for Holiday Inn Express, where the quiz show contestant who's winning all the dough turns out to be a school drop-out from Saskatchewan whose hobbies are eating and lighting firecrackers.
Much to the chagrin of the host...
I like the new JCPenny's Back-to-School campaign with the kids dancing. There's a grade school version and a high school version. The younger girls are giving us a bit too much Beyonce with their booty-popping but the editing is good and everything moves so fast, by the time you focus on them, they're gone. Cute, colorful, topical and all of the kids are terrific dancers.
Sorry Phoenix. I had to go with the m&m's.
eoe- That would be my #2 choice!
Speaking of M&Ms Phoenix, don't you just love the commercials? Like the one where the Yellow M7M is seen with a gorgeous woman, and he's got a huge bite mark on his head and he says, "Love hurts."
Or the Christmas when where the M&Ms are setting the cookies and milk when Santa appears and the M&Ms say, "He does exsist!" And Santa says, "They do exsist!"
Or the Halloween one where they're trying to get into a party and the guy that opens the door thinks they're trick-or-treating"
I just LOVE M&M commercials!!!
My favorite commercial first appeared....seems like maybe 15 years ago, but they still show it now and then. It takes place at a huge home swimming pool which is obviously part of a multi-million dollar home. The sky is blue and cloudless. An attractive woman in a bathing suit is lying on a reclining chair. A man is swimming from the far end of the very large pool, and reaches the near, end and pulls himself out. He is slender and in good condition. A narrator says slowly:
"I am made of blue sky and golden light, and I will feel this way forever."
Then, after a suitable pause, it switches to a picture of a bottle of perfume and a narrator says, "Share the fantasy - Chanel No. 5." I believe the background music contributes to the mood too.
I like it because it presents the fantasy of immortality and success in life, and seems to say - "These things are real, and if you're good enough, you can have them too." It is an unrealistic fantasy, but it seems to push my buttons.
I have a couple of favorites...the GE commercial featuring the Lassie dog doing karate...and the Dairy Queen commercial where the guy is licking the beaters clean and accidentally turns it on...the new Office Depot or Staples (I can't remember which) that features Alice Cooper and a girl that says "I thought you said school was out forever?" Alice Cooper - "no, I said school's out for summer " Too cute.
That Dairy Queen commercial is funny/horrible. The first time I saw it, I screamed bloody murder!
I can name some of the funny commercials - any of those viagra ones. How they heck do you write such a commercial seriously, especially the disclaimer that any erection over 3 hours is not normal and should be seen by a doctor.
My favorite commercial is the Pepsi commercial where the guy is making a sandwich and the doorbell rings. "Secret Agent man" begins playing and the guys sets his sandwish and his Pepsi on the counter. He exits. As soon as he is gone, you see his dog jump up and snag the sandwich and then the Pepsi. You hear the guy coming back and so the dog hurries up and puts the cat up on the counter on the plate. It is so funny I almost pee every time I see it. :wink:
Linkat wrote:I can name some of the funny commercials - any of those viagra ones. How they heck do you write such a commercial seriously, especially the disclaimer that any erection over 3 hours is not normal and should be seen by a doctor.
Any erection lasting over 3 hours calls for immediate panic (or a harem :wink: )
I thought the erection should be 'looked at' if it lasted 48 hours. The visual on that nearly made me pee.
But, for some strange reason--I love the loopy Quiznos subs commercial, with those freakish flying, singing Hamsters. They have really bad children's teeth transposed over the hamsters' faces, and the voices kill me. I'm forever singing, "Eat Quiznos subs....they are a dollar off....when you bring a coupooooon..." Its a goofy voice. My daughter rolls her eyes and says people will think I'm demented...
The Coke song
I love the one featuring the African-American woman walking down the street and singing "I wish I could share all the love that's in my heart" while handing out bottles of Coke to everyone she meets. I wish I could do something like that, not necessarily with Coca Cola, though; maybe food.
What about the Blockbuster commercials with the rabbit and the guinea pig? Gosh I love those... They're so CUTE!
Welcome to A2K lovingHim! Hope to see more of your around.