Reply Tue 24 Aug, 2004 01:25 am
Finn d'Abuzz wrote:
dlowan wrote:
Moderately left - your options are laughable.

As they were meant to be, and as is your lofty mien. Cool

Well, mean mien or not, who knew you joked????
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Aug, 2004 02:28 pm
I float above categories, other than the floating categories obviously.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Aug, 2004 08:43 pm
Up here in floaty land...

We don't think the government is the enemy. We don't even think that the neighbor is the enemy. We tend to think that if there is an enemy about, it is the folks whom point and yell "Enemy there! And there too!!" We think shareholders in Luxembourg likely ain't gonna give a **** if the stream outside my door is half water and half mercury. We think it's probably imprudent to have a huge portion of a state's financial activity tied to the production of weapons of mass destruction, but that sex toys are really not a serious threat. We don't like teletubbies, but on reasonable aesthetic and pedagical grounds. We think Tom Waits' lyrics are more important than John Ascrofts's lyrics. We've never been formally introduced to a coral reef, but we'd like them to stop dying. We aren't exactly sure what is best for you. We like to read. We think someone born without a brain stem didn't deserve to be born without a brain stem. We think bums are exhilerating, often. We're not fond of uniforms, except where they make a bum even more exhilerating. We respond to crew cuts and the appearance of tv shows about angels similarly.

We love our mothers.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Tue 24 Aug, 2004 08:45 pm
dlowan wrote:
Finn d'Abuzz wrote:
dlowan wrote:
Moderately left - your options are laughable.

As they were meant to be, and as is your lofty mien. Cool

Well, mean mien or not, who knew you joked????

0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Aug, 2004 09:37 pm
nattering nambies of negativity?
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Tue 24 Aug, 2004 09:38 pm
blatham wrote:
Up here in floaty land...

We don't think the government is the enemy. We don't even think that the neighbor is the enemy. We tend to think that if there is an enemy about, it is the folks whom point and yell "Enemy there! And there too!!" We think shareholders in Luxembourg likely ain't gonna give a **** if the stream outside my door is half water and half mercury. We think it's probably imprudent to have a huge portion of a state's financial activity tied to the production of weapons of mass destruction, but that sex toys are really not a serious threat. We don't like teletubbies, but on reasonable aesthetic and pedagical grounds. We think Tom Waits' lyrics are more important than John Ascrofts's lyrics. We've never been formally introduced to a coral reef, but we'd like them to stop dying. We aren't exactly sure what is best for you. We like to read. We think someone born without a brain stem didn't deserve to be born without a brain stem. We think bums are exhilerating, often. We're not fond of uniforms, except where they make a bum even more exhilerating. We respond to crew cuts and the appearance of tv shows about angels similarly.

We love our mothers.

How perfectly floaty.

Down here on terra firma, we understand that while this time around they may not be our neighbors or even the government, we have, and have always had enemies, and that listening to them and wearing a collective hairshirt has not and will not cause them to stop trying to hurt us.

We don't expect a free marketplace to produce a perfect world, but we trust it more than Central Planning which always seems to result in an investment in gulags and re-education camps.

We realize despite all of our floaty hopes, someone is going to corner the market on military might and would just as soon have it be us as a totalitarian state.

Some of us don't think that sex toys pose much of a threat either but are willing to abide by social conventions that, in the main, have served society fairly well. We don't believe everyone has the right to do damned near anything...and still seek the benefits of society.

We don't like teletubbies because they are inane and creepy (irrespective of their sexual orientation)

Some of us enjoy the lyrics of Tom Waits but would not, for a minute, consider them important. We think that John Ascroft's job is more important than Tom Waits.

We've dived among coral reefs and appreciate that they are are dumb and simple organisms, but don't want them to die from our own blundering, any more than we would want the same for tigers or eagles or elephants. Snail darters? It's OK for them to die.

We're pretty sure that what has been good for people for thousands of years remains good for them.

We like to read, and dislike those who assume only they like to read.

We don't understand the bit about being born without a brain stem, but are reasonably certain it has something to do with floaty sensibilities.

We think bums are bums. Occassionly interesting, never romantic, and usually mentally ill and pathetic.

We like uniforms, and make no apologies for same. We realize they are worn by both the good and the bad among us, but, in general, think they look cool.

We fail to see how the subject of a book, a movie or a play being Aides instantly conveys masterpiece status.

We believe that well intended failures are still failures.

We believe that there is an American culture that is as important to preserve as any other culture in the world.

We think that if people want the government to assume their charitable obligations for them that's fine, but that they shouldn't assume that we all need such assistance. We don't all need to join a Christmas club to have money for presents either.

We believe that business is the business, and not the bane, of America (and Canada, for that matter)

We recognize that men have done horrible things in the name of God, but don't blame him for it.

We love our mothers...unless they are floaty hags.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Aug, 2004 12:24 am
Hey Mawwww...who done gone an' chucked all these 'ere fish in this old barrel?

How perfectly floaty.

Down here on terra firma, we understand that while this time around they may not be our neighbors or even the government, we have, and have always had enemies, and that listening to them and wearing a collective hairshirt has not and will not cause them to stop trying to hurt us.
Speaking of hairshirts, I had a roommate who was so hairy that when he woke one morning, there were crop circles on his back. He was a Canadian. Outside of those aliens that got to him that night, he never had the sense that folks somewhere were "trying to hurt us."

We don't expect a free marketplace to produce a perfect world, but we trust it more than Central Planning which always seems to result in an investment in gulags and re-education camps.
Abu Gulag? But seriously, folks. We here do expect that corporate interests, left to their own devices, will not arrive at the destination "Virtue". We figure a free marketplace will produce sweatshops. We figure that planning from the centre is precisely what a corporate entity does, but that their notion of center is like an Argentinian football fan's notion of who ought to win the World Cup. We think corporations are a necessary menace. We think policing them is a necessary menance. We think John Ashcroft is an unnecessary menace.

We realize despite all of our floaty hopes, someone is going to corner the market on military might and would just as soon have it be us as a totalitarian state.
You've plagierized Bernard Shaw here but he was being satirical.

Some of us don't think that sex toys pose much of a threat either but are willing to abide by social conventions that, in the main, have served society fairly well.
Such healthy social conventions such as jailtime for pre-marital sex? (law in many states just 50 years past). Or perhaps, again in the 50s in the US, jail for discussing birth control?
We don't believe everyone has the right to do damned near anything...and still seek the benefits of society.
Anal sex is sooooo yucky, let's keep those laws in place and DEFINITELY test for it along with the drugs (excepting alcohol, which is a happy conventional thing) before giving out welfare money.

We don't like teletubbies because they are inane and creepy (irrespective of their sexual orientation)
Jesus, they are creepy, aren't they. Way worse than triffids.

Some of us enjoy the lyrics of Tom Waits but would not, for a minute, consider them important. We think that John Ascroft's job is more important than Tom Waits.
And the name of the Mayor of London during the period that the Globe was in operation was....? The President in office when Leaves of Grass was published was...? On this one, finn, you are plumb cukoo.

We've dived among coral reefs and appreciate that they are are dumb and simple organisms, but don't want them to die from our own blundering, any more than we would want the same for tigers or eagles or elephants. Snail darters? It's OK for them to die.
Don't know them, but I'm a pacifist, so have deep urges to kill long sublimated and thus wish you godspeed in your death hopes for them. Please, at the same time, take out the bastard who invented the car alarm.

We're pretty sure that what has been good for people for thousands of years remains good for them.
Bah! Double bah!! The cowardice of conservatism. The stultification of conservatism.

We like to read, and dislike those who assume only they like to read.
We like everyone to read. We know not everyone does like to read. We have our suspicions about you. We will see our suspicions allayed when we read that they ought to be.

We don't understand the bit about being born without a brain stem, but are reasonably certain it has something to do with floaty sensibilities.
Everything has to do with floaty sensibilities, or sinking sensibilities. Consider this a lifeline. There's a fellow, still quite alive, who was born without a brain stem. We floaties figure this was chance, as opposed to deserved punishment for sinfulness. We think that babies blown apart by bombs probably didn't deserve that either. It's a theological point...the existence of chance in a universe controlled by an omnipotent and totally good Creator. As Woody Allen had it, "I believe in God, I just think he's an incompetent. We think that commands and advices to that fellow without the brain stem to 'Pull up your socks!" are dumb as a bag of hammers.

We think bums are bums. Occassionly interesting, never romantic, and usually mentally ill and pathetic.
Wrong kind of 'bum', you bloody idiot.

We like uniforms, and make no apologies for same. We realize they are worn by both the good and the bad among us, but, in general, think they look cool.
We think they make individuals look like big ants.

We fail to see how the subject of a book, a movie or a play being Aides instantly conveys masterpiece status.
We read this four times and then left. We suspect a spelling mistake.

We believe that well intended failures are still failures.
We do too. We point to Barbara Bush's middle child as evidence, though we need not be so picky.

We believe that there is an American culture that is as important to preserve as any other culture in the world.
We did too. We sadly recall waving goodbye.

We think that if people want the government to assume their charitable obligations for them that's fine, but that they shouldn't assume that we all need such assistance. We don't all need to join a Christmas club to have money for presents either.
We think you are looking through the wrong end of the telescope (which we also, being prescient, put black shoe polish on). We think the story of Jesus has some good bits in it, and that the charity he offered didn't come packaged with "boy, am I better than you" indictments was a pretty fine thing.
We believe that business is the business, and not the bane, of America (and Canada, for that matter)
We believe you are plagiarizing again, and we aren't sure whom, but we suspect he was a businessman. It wasn't Tom Waits.

We recognize that men have done horrible things in the name of God, but don't blame him for it.
We don't think he's available for blame. We'll throw our darts at men too.

We love our mothers...unless they are floaty hags.
We love your mothers too...and do a far better job of it, they tell me.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Aug, 2004 02:22 am
Finn d'Abuzz wrote:

conservatives think i'm liberal. liberals think i'm conservative. my wife thinks i'm nuts. oh, wellll...

floaty is good to have around. keeps the rest us from cannabalism. most days, anyway. ummmm. tastes like chicken!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Aug, 2004 02:34 am
Finn d'Abuzz wrote:

Some of us enjoy the lyrics of Tom Waits but would not, for a minute, consider them important. We think that John Ascroft's job is more important than Tom Waits

hmmm... not so sure about this one. waits hasn't realeased a "big' record in what, 25+ years?, but you seem to know of him.

can you remember, without googling, the last 6 attorney generals? i sure as hell can't.

and i can guarantee you that tom waits got a lot less air time than ashy.

"let the eagle soar-err-uh err-uh err".

move over william hung, dj. j.a. gonna drop a fatty on ya. huh!!!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Aug, 2004 02:54 am
Finn d'Abuzz wrote:
We realize despite all of our floaty hopes, someone is going to corner the market on military might and would just as soon have it be us as a totalitarian state. .

that thinking is how totalitarian states begin. along with silencing disadents and controlling the media. tell people that they are in danger of attack and they go bonkers. take my money, take my freedom, take my son. we must be safe!

goering was a nazi swine, but he understood social engineering pretty well.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2004 10:19 pm
blatham wrote:
Hey Mawwww...who done gone an' chucked all these 'ere fish in this old barrel?

How perfectly floaty.

Down here on terra firma, we understand that while this time around they may not be our neighbors or even the government, we have, and have always had enemies, and that listening to them and wearing a collective hairshirt has not and will not cause them to stop trying to hurt us.
Speaking of hairshirts, I had a roommate who was so hairy that when he woke one morning, there were crop circles on his back. He was a Canadian. Outside of those aliens that got to him that night, he never had the sense that folks somewhere were "trying to hurt us."

He was a Canadian, no one flew a couple of passenger jets into First Canadian Place.

We realize despite all of our floaty hopes, someone is going to corner the market on military might and would just as soon have it be us as a totalitarian state.
You've plagierized Bernard Shaw here but he was being satirical.

One of the advantages of not being well read is that it's difficult to be held guilty of plagierizing. I am unaware of any similar comment made by Shaw. You, being so well read, will be able to educate me I'm sure.

Some of us don't think that sex toys pose much of a threat either but are willing to abide by social conventions that, in the main, have served society fairly well.
Such healthy social conventions such as jailtime for pre-marital sex? (law in many states just 50 years past). Or perhaps, again in the 50s in the US, jail for discussing birth control?

Surely even a floaty understands that "in the main" allows for exceptions.

We don't believe everyone has the right to do damned near anything...and still seek the benefits of society.
Anal sex is sooooo yucky, let's keep those laws in place and DEFINITELY test for it along with the drugs (excepting alcohol, which is a happy conventional thing) before giving out welfare money.

Your welcome to keep sodomy laws in place in floaty land, I don't favor them for terra firma. Also on terra firma we don't so narrowly define "the benefits of society" as being governmental handouts.

We don't like teletubbies because they are inane and creepy (irrespective of their sexual orientation)
Jesus, they are creepy, aren't they. Way worse than triffids.

I've never found plants to be creepy.

Some of us enjoy the lyrics of Tom Waits but would not, for a minute, consider them important. We think that John Ascroft's job is more important than Tom Waits.

And the name of the Mayor of London during the period that the Globe was in operation was....? The President in office when Leaves of Grass was published was...? On this one, finn, you are plumb cukoo.

On terra firma, a lack of fame doesn't necessarily imply a lack of importance, and in likening Waits to Shakespeare and Whitman you are plumb silly blatham

We're pretty sure that what has been good for people for thousands of years remains good for them.
Bah! Double bah!! The cowardice of conservatism. The stultification of conservatism.

Double bah back at you: The conceit of liberalism. The recklessness of liberalism

We don't understand the bit about being born without a brain stem, but are reasonably certain it has something to do with floaty sensibilities.
Everything has to do with floaty sensibilities, or sinking sensibilities. Consider this a lifeline. There's a fellow, still quite alive, who was born without a brain stem. We floaties figure this was chance, as opposed to deserved punishment for sinfulness. We think that babies blown apart by bombs probably didn't deserve that either. It's a theological point...the existence of chance in a universe controlled by an omnipotent and totally good Creator. As Woody Allen had it, "I believe in God, I just think he's an incompetent. We think that commands and advices to that fellow without the brain stem to 'Pull up your socks!" are dumb as a bag of hammers.

We can't imagine who might give such orders to the fellow without a brain stem, and we don't believe that because there is a Creator that every misfortune that befalls a person is a punishment.

We think bums are bums. Occassionly interesting, never romantic, and usually mentally ill and pathetic.
Wrong kind of 'bum', you bloody idiot.

What with your anal fixation we should have realized what "bum" you meant.

We believe that business is the business, and not the bane, of America (and Canada, for that matter)
We believe you are plagiarizing again, and we aren't sure whom, but we suspect he was a businessman. It wasn't Tom Waits.

We weren't plagiarizing here either, as we thought everyone would realize that we were paraphrasing Calvin Coolidge.

We recognize that men have done horrible things in the name of God, but don't blame him for it.
We don't think he's available for blame. We'll throw our darts at men too.

OK, let's both aim our darts, first, at godless secular humanists.

We love our mothers...unless they are floaty hags.
We love your mothers too...and do a far better job of it, they tell me.

Would this somehow make us related?

0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2004 10:22 pm
DontTreadOnMe wrote:
Finn d'Abuzz wrote:
We realize despite all of our floaty hopes, someone is going to corner the market on military might and would just as soon have it be us as a totalitarian state. .

that thinking is how totalitarian states begin. along with silencing disadents and controlling the media. tell people that they are in danger of attack and they go bonkers. take my money, take my freedom, take my son. we must be safe!

goering was a nazi swine, but he understood social engineering pretty well.

Is it now?

Considering it has been American policy since the end of WWII, one would think that the US would be a totalitarian state by now. It sure didn't take Hitler and Goering more than 50 years.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2004 10:23 pm
DontTreadOnMe wrote:
Finn d'Abuzz wrote:

Some of us enjoy the lyrics of Tom Waits but would not, for a minute, consider them important. We think that John Ascroft's job is more important than Tom Waits

hmmm... not so sure about this one. waits hasn't realeased a "big' record in what, 25+ years?, but you seem to know of him.

can you remember, without googling, the last 6 attorney generals? i sure as hell can't.

and i can guarantee you that tom waits got a lot less air time than ashy.

"let the eagle soar-err-uh err-uh err".

move over william hung, dj. j.a. gonna drop a fatty on ya. huh!!!

See above relative to fame and importance.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2004 11:35 pm
Finn d'Abuzz wrote:
blatham wrote:
Up here in floaty land...

We don't think the government is the enemy. We don't even think that the neighbor is the enemy. We tend to think that if there is an enemy about, it is the folks whom point and yell "Enemy there! And there too!!" We think shareholders in Luxembourg likely ain't gonna give a **** if the stream outside my door is half water and half mercury. We think it's probably imprudent to have a huge portion of a state's financial activity tied to the production of weapons of mass destruction, but that sex toys are really not a serious threat. We don't like teletubbies, but on reasonable aesthetic and pedagical grounds. We think Tom Waits' lyrics are more important than John Ascrofts's lyrics. We've never been formally introduced to a coral reef, but we'd like them to stop dying. We aren't exactly sure what is best for you. We like to read. We think someone born without a brain stem didn't deserve to be born without a brain stem. We think bums are exhilerating, often. We're not fond of uniforms, except where they make a bum even more exhilerating. We respond to crew cuts and the appearance of tv shows about angels similarly.

We love our mothers.

How perfectly floaty.

Down here on terra firma, we understand that while this time around they may not be our neighbors or even the government, we have, and have always had enemies, and that listening to them and wearing a collective hairshirt has not and will not cause them to stop trying to hurt us.

We don't expect a free marketplace to produce a perfect world, but we trust it more than Central Planning which always seems to result in an investment in gulags and re-education camps.

We realize despite all of our floaty hopes, someone is going to corner the market on military might and would just as soon have it be us as a totalitarian state.

Some of us don't think that sex toys pose much of a threat either but are willing to abide by social conventions that, in the main, have served society fairly well. We don't believe everyone has the right to do damned near anything...and still seek the benefits of society.

We don't like teletubbies because they are inane and creepy (irrespective of their sexual orientation)

Some of us enjoy the lyrics of Tom Waits but would not, for a minute, consider them important. We think that John Ascroft's job is more important than Tom Waits.

We've dived among coral reefs and appreciate that they are are dumb and simple organisms, but don't want them to die from our own blundering, any more than we would want the same for tigers or eagles or elephants. Snail darters? It's OK for them to die.

I was with you until here. Snail darters are important. So are Wekiu. Malama aina.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Fri 27 Aug, 2004 12:23 am
princesspupule wrote:

I was with you until here. Snail darters are important. So are Wekiu. Malama aina.

Just kidding. I'm all for Snail Darters and Spotted Owls too.

I do draw a line on bugs:

Pollinating bugs are OK. Bug eating bugs are OK. Detrius eating bugs are OK.

Crop eating, tree destroying, and blood sucking bugs should be rendered extinct.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 Aug, 2004 02:20 am
Finn d'Abuzz wrote:

Is it now?

Considering it has been American policy since the end of WWII, one would think that the US would be a totalitarian state by now. It sure didn't take Hitler and Goering more than 50 years.

naw it was more like 14 building his base, starting in 1919 with german workers part which he soon renamed tha national socialist workers party. by 1933 he was the boss. then lebensraum and the whole transition from a democracy into a totalitarian state. centered largely on military build up and a convincing of the german people that they would be attacked without concentration on that area.

look, all i'm saying is this. there's a lot of things being said and done that bear watching.

and no, i don't think bush is hitler.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 Aug, 2004 03:21 am
DontTreadOnMe wrote:

look, all i'm saying is this. there's a lot of things being said and done that bear watching.

and no, i don't think bush is hitler.

Yes, they do bear watching. Dare I point out some similarities between Bush's regime and Hitler's? Both invaded other countries to "protect democracy." "Preemptive strikes." Militant nationalism in speeches. Use of torture and concentration camps. "Gott mit uns," and rhetoric of religious revival. Both Bush and Hitler deceived the public, used national security as a reason to remove liberties enjoyed by the people of the state. I'm sure there are more. Those are jsut the ones that jump to the front of my mind as I post at this late hour...
0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 Aug, 2004 06:55 am
I read this thread late, but just wanted to say that blatham is a genius and I am now a card-carrying member of the Floaty Party.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 Aug, 2004 10:32 am

How about drumming up an external threat in order to unite the people in fear?

How about fostering an environment where dissent is equated with disloyalty?

0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 Aug, 2004 10:55 am
Would this somehow make us related?

blatham runs, screaming, from the room
0 Replies

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