Sofia wrote:Some, like Clinton and Cheney, completely dodged. Accumilating Purple Hearts to get out early is also a dodge, to me. He spent not one day in a hospital. To campaign for a Purple Hearts for wounds that didn't even require a hospitalization, when many men DID require hopitalization--and refused Purple Hearts--tells a lot about Kerry.
Clinton and Bush dodged
going there.
Kerry did not. He even volunteered.
That, once he was there and found himself in the hell Vietnam was, he wanted to get
out again as soon as possible, I find wholly understandable.
Meanwhile, he did serve four months in that hell. Bush hid. Clinton dodged. He did not. He was there. And in the four months until he got to get out, he did not shirk his role - he's even blamed now by some adversaries for having to be
too bold. And in the four months he was there, he earned the loyalty and admiration of all but one of the men who served under him.
He volunteered to fight for his country. Good for him. He fought hard and became liked and admired by those he commanded. Good for him. He made sure he got out of that hell as soon as the rules allowed him to. Good for him. When he came back, he testified to the hell that he'd seen. Good for him.