Be careful of some of your categories. You seem to have a built in bias to begin with. For instance:
Less is more
More is more
Government Size
Less is more
More is more
Taxation and govt size should be on a scale but to state, Less is more and more is more indicates a bias. I think we can all agree that 0% taxation is not going to increase revenues and that 100% taxation will reduce revenues. The libertarian veiwpoint is probably one of 0 taxation but that doesn't mean they think it is more. Rather they just see taxation as bad. The other thing to keep in mind is that government size position will be pretty closely related to taxation size. You need to ask specific questions about what government should do and then make your conclusions as to what size the person answering thinks govt should be.
To try to give an example: If you were to ask me if I think my taxes are too high. I would probably say yes. But when asked about government programs and if I would pay more to provide some other government services like universal health care I would again say yes.
You have set for yourself a real task because you have to ask enough questions that are similar so you can get the true feelings of people and not what they THINK you want to hear.
Under Education, I think your scale should be govt controlled to no govt control. To do "govt vs private" implies the present attempts to move it to private institutions and ignores a school of thought that it is entirely up to the family to decide if children will be educated or not.
Government size probably needs to be broken down into several categories. Social issues and Security issues. Some possible ideas
Social Issues
health care
social security
Security issues
immigration and naturalization policies
foreign relations and diplomacy and other international issues
The answers will probably relate to govt size and social spectrum of the respondent.
And on the social spectrum you left out the entire argument of what the govt should provide to its citizens as benefits and protections. A large category that will be extremely difficult to break apart.
I guess I am unclear as to what you are really attempting to do with this. Are you simply trying to do a left/right spectrum or are you trying to get even more complicated than a social/fiscal conservative/liberal charting.