Fri 20 Aug, 2004 12:33 am
Edit: (Moderator) Moved from Reference to Other Languages.
An old script was discovered a while back and we wanted to verify that a phrase really read: "The eight queens of the truth" as was scribbled by some unknown translator. Your translation would be helpful in comparing his and give the person some credence as to their other translations. The original translations occurred sometime in the 1920s.
P.S. Note that it can't read "The eight queens of truth" as that is somewhat divorced from the theme of the script.
"octem reginae veritatis"
That's how I would translate it, but I'm not sure if "truth" is considered plural or singular, just as "darkness" is usually considered plural in Latin.
Well, you almost got it right, lucifer.
it's Octo Reginae Veritatis.
'octo' is indeclinable (and I'm not sure why you would attempt to here, as 'octem' doesn't agree with either of the other words).
I was told "eight" is "octem". Obviously, the person who told that to me was wrong.
Thanks, luci, Eos - Eos was correct and matched the older translation perfectly
Hey whats up umm...I was wondering if you could give me the best definitions for these words...I have been looking but I get so many different ones that I don't know which ones are right....the words are: Father, Son, Holy Spirit, believe, hope...thank you so much!