Most of that has already been debunked.
great post blatham my friend but you don't really expect the A2K bush team to believe something as far fetched as what they can see with their own eyes do you?
Brand X wrote:Most of that has already been debunked.
Uh, no; no, it has not.
You are confusing the claims of the Not So Swift Liars and "debunked".
What you see in Bernie's graphic is what is called 'factual'.
It would advance your understanding if you would allow yourself to be introduced to the idea.
You are grasping at straws now, X...
Why don't you just drop it and admit that the SBV people have an agenda, are funded by republicans, are of questionable trustworthyness, and noone really knows what the truth is?
The republican pollsters have known, and admitted it here and there, that they would have to go after Kerry's war record because of the comparison it allowed between the two men. Truth, or any sense of ethics or real patriotism, are irrelevancies for Rove as we learned in the slime they threw at McCain.
Meanwhile, as dys suggests, Iraq continues towards some unknown level of chaos, the economy is in serious trouble, the rest of the world are scared and disgusted with Bush policies, the environmental rules are being gutted while global warming increases (which repub pollsters have advised that though they are losing credibility on daily should be referred to only as 'climate change' because that doesn't sound so bad), and the incursions into real privacy and liberty continue.
Let's hear from Hunter S. Thompson...
Quote:"The American nation is in the worst condition I can remember in my lifetime, and our prospects for the immediate future are even worse. I am surprised and embarrassed to be a part of the first American generation to leave the country in far worse shape than it was when we first came into it. Our highway system is crumbling, our police are dishonest, our children are poor, our vaunted Social Security, once the envy of the world, has been looted and neglected and destroyed by the same gang of ignorant, greed-crazed bastards who brought us Vietnam, Afghanistan, the disastrous Gaza Strip, and ignominious defeat all over the world."
Kerry should have let it be known that he served in Vietnam and was awarded 3 purple hearts, the Bronze star and The Silver Star while there and then discussed his service to the country since. Kerry and his campaign has made a large faux pas in trying to be everything to everyone. It's makes him appear to flip-flop and his military record has come under scrutiny.