Brand X wrote:This is entirely between the Swift Vets and Kerry.
It's personal, because of what he claims to be, but isn't.
The Swifties will handle Kerry and they are doing a fine job so far, all Kerry has done is attacked Bush, he's answered nothing to charges of the swifties and he has avoided it about as long as he can.
If he did get JohnLehman to change the wording for his silver star in the 80's he's toast.
The guy might have a shred of credibility if he had said the same thing about MoveOn.Org and Michael Moore a year ago. But alas, Kerry once again proves he is one pathetic creature.
brand...get it straight. Nixon went apoplectic when Viet Nam vets began protesting the war, and he sent his dirty team after Kerry and others.
That's when O'Neill first slithered onto the scene (Dick Cavett show, late 60's). And then, for various Kerry elections, they've funded him again. Now, they've bought O'Neill a wig so he looks a little more presentable. And Rove brought him out to slime John McCain. The Swift Boat Vets didn't even exist until Kerry's run looked likely or possible.