BoGoWo wrote:i disagree, i see the "laws" of physics, etc. as simply the way things are, and have to be in order to work; they are not 'magic' they simply make sense, and allow interactions to occur with some predictability; and they most definitely where NOT 'designed'.
so i see this universe as an example of 'universeness', and would expect one that is a giga maxtillion light years from us, completely beyond our observations, to be basically similar in 'nature' but different in content.
[but the evidence is scant!]
I am 99% in agreement with the likelihood that everything that occurs in our Pocket Of Space Time and the physical laws that determine their very specific interactions were not designed. They are just as they are because to have it any other way would mean there was something outside of the laws of physics, of space, and of time, that predated everything there is existing in a void of nothingness for an eternity. Since it seems so illogical to fathom an eternal existence in a void of nothingness prior to creating what we observe as the laws of physics, biology, chemistry, etc then we must accept the laws of nature as naturally occurring.
But then there is the 1 percent that sees the perfection in a planetary orbit that can give us an almost perfect lunar and solar eclipse, or an orbit of our planet that is positioned far enough away from our sun yet close enough that something as simple as a tilted axis could give us the seasons that produce snow storms and sun showers, or the laws of physics related to refraction that can produce a rainbow, or electromagnetical imbalances that can create lightning bolts, or an ecosystem that develops to allow oxygen, carbon dioxide, photosynthesis, evaporation, and condensation to create an abundance of life that requires a microscope to comprehend. When I think of things like rainbows and almost perfect solar eclipses I realize that not only is our world infinitely complex but it is also wondrous beyond reason which leaves that 1 percent open to question how an infinite universe can create such coincidental perfections not having a master design in play.
So I lean towards the 99% percent likelihood with an open mind looking through rainbow colored glasses.