Re: Other universes?
Gold Barz wrote:I am not talking about parallel universes or even multiverses, i am talking about universes that are completely separated and different from this one, like they have different laws of nature, different laws of physics, and not infinite, you think they exist?
I am pretty sure that not only are there other universes similar to ours and other universes different from ours but I would go so far as to say that I feel there is very likely an infinite number of universes similar to ours and an infinite number of universes different from ours.
I don't see them as parallel universes which may exist if you have an infinite number of universes but that's a whole other concept I don't even want to touch.
And for now lets even leave out the possibility that there could be universes inside of atoms.
Lets just take universes that may exist similar in size to our current universe. To conceptualize it, think Universe with a capital U being something much larger and much older than our known universe with a little u. This Universe is the backdrop or canvas that our little spec of dust universe exists inside of. It has its own SpaceTime continuum that exists outside the spacetime continuum that we see inside our known universe. It has no beginning and no end. It has no first second of existence or last second of existence. It has no boundaries or edges. It has existed for all time and will exist for all time. Unlike our universe that had a first second and will have a last second and although it is expanding does have boundaries or edges.
If you can accept the possibility or probability that such a SpaceTime continuum exists then if you were to pick any point on the outermost edge of our known universe and continue outwards in a straight line I submit it is impossible not to run into another separate universe. I'd go so far as to say that if you continued on this straight line you would run through an infinite number of separate unique universes. Each with its own first second and last second and habitable planets and multitudes of stars and moons and species.
As far as some being the same and some being different that was per your request to question the laws of nature and laws of physics. I submit that many of the constants we have are most likely to be constant in many other universes and many of our laws of nature are most likely to be similar in other universes but it is logical to assume that conditions much different than ours may very well exist and depending on the nature of those conditions it is very likely that things that we think are constant such as the permeability of free space, Boyle's or Charles' Laws, possibly the speed of light and speed of sound or who knows what else may not hold true in a universe created under more intense pressure or less intense pressure than ours.
I happen to think our big bang was caused by the collision of two atoms. I happen to think there are an infinite number of subparticles smaller than a lepton. I happen to think that when 2 atoms bounce off each other in natural flux that instead of atoms bouncing it is really the outer two electron shells bouncing and if those electrons are made up of something smaller than in fact the electrons don't bounce off each other but in actuality the particles that make up the electron bounce off each other. If these subparticles are in fact made up of smaller subparticles (which in contrary to popular opinion is just as feasible as string theory) then when two atoms bounce off each other it is actually the subparticles that make up the subparticles that make up the etc. etc that actually bounce off each other. SO , we know that atoms behave differently. Atoms inside our sun collide with each other much harder, much more often, and much faster than atoms inside a block of ice at our north pole. It is for that reason that I feel there could be universes much different in physical make up and physical laws and physical constants than what we observe to be true inside our speck of dust we call a universe.
That's my 2 cents
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