nimh wrote:The central exams at the end of the year, they count(ed?) for half the final grade.
Still the same today. We have so-called 'PTA's' (I don't know what it stands for actually) during the Tweede Fase. They have certain percentages. Some PTA's account for 20% of the final grade (except final exams); others only 3.5%. At the end of the sixth year (talking about the VWO now), you have 100%. That's half of the final grade (with final exams; the other half are thus the final exams).
nimh wrote:Plus, in a final piece of luck, we got Ovidius for Latin at the central exams ... Ovidius is easy.
Never had Ovidius. < Thinking > I only recall these stories about the Trojan War, Aeneas and his flight to Carthago, and Italy. I only had Latin until the fourth year. At that time I decided to drop Latin (as I already said), and focus on Greek. The final exams of Greek were about the works of what's-his-name-again < thinking >, damn it, can't even remember it, the writer of Troiades (Trojan Women). A play writer. (...) Anyway, interesting work, we read and translated Troiades.
nimh wrote:But at the central exams I got a 10,0 for my French MCT and a 9,5 for my German one, and a 9,2 for my test on Ovid.
< SIGH > WOW. That's just great. For your finals?! WOW. I'm just stunned. You do realize this is extremely high not?