cj - I have never seen a booted car vandalized.
That's a pretty cheap escape.
Here, if you're parked in a designated traffic route - you're ticketed and then towed. By the time you've paid for a cab to get to the impound, you can easily be out $400 - $500. Ticket + towing fee + storage fee + cab.
I have been both booted and towed (on separate occasions of course).
Let me tell you. Booted is much better (i.e. cheaper).
Actually, cjhsa, it is out of necessity that this changes. Many of the streets of Boston are so narrow, they need to do this to accommodate rush hour traffic. Washington DC does this also, as I received a ticket in a similar situation. I did not realized the time and missed getting to my car by minutes, unfortunately I received a ticket. I paid it by the way, as I was in the wrong.
I say we take that boot and shove it up BOston's ass. beantown is taking it tonight, baby!