@cicerone imposter,
Quote:If the whole of humanity is penalized for the "wicked ways" of humans, why even bother giving humans life? The majority of humans will never live with faith of this goddam god. That's a fact. You can bet your life on it.
The laws of life and death run straight across the board for all that has the opportunity to live. However, all that lives eventually must die. Man has yet to find a way to conquer death. Being that it is, by all rights, unstoppable I would deem death as being pretty powerful as well. So yeah, why create something just to destroy it, or watch it destroy itself?
Love actually. We weren't created with the master plan being eventual destruction. However, it is a route that can be chosen. For the last week or so I have been pondering Song of Solomon 8:6. It popped in my head one day, and since I have been rolling it around in my brain, trying to understand what it means. As I was thinking about responding to you it popped in my head again.
It says: Set me as a seal upon your heart, a seal upon your arm; For love is as strong as death, jealousy as cruel as the grave; It's flames are flames of fire, a most vehement flame.
Love is as strong as death. Well... Death is unstoppable.

Jealousy as cruel as the grave... Man, this one took me a minute... But, what is jealousy really? In its rawest form... What is it?
Self love.
There is a difference between loving yourself and self love. Self love esteems itself higher than everyone around it. Deems itself more worthy or deserving than others. It is also known as pride. Jealousy is as cruel as the grave. Think about it...The grave takes and doesn't give back. Self loves does the same. It kills a person on the inside.
It is not God who punishes us. It is us who punish ourselves.