God, ya know neo, I never thought of it like that before. If God is omniscient He would then have known. I mean what kind of a "loving Father" would create His children knowing they would fail? Knowing they would hurt each other? Some would Kill each other? And eventually many would hate Him and blame Him for it all? What would even be the point?
Love actually.
No parent (normal... If that can even be applied in todays society.) has a child with the intentions of raising up a serial killer, a rapist, a thief, a heroine addict, an alcoholic, and so on. Don't we all want to do better for our children than was done for us? If not, at least as good. Certainly not less. We do the best we can with the tools we are given.
Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't. So, the mother and father of a heroine addict that overdoses and dies, are they responsible for the death of their child? Say they did everything in their power, even took a second mortgage to pay the rehab bills, but on that last trip out of rehab, that fatal meeting with and "old friend"... that last dose... The temptation was just too great... And this time he/she just wasn't so lucky to be given one more chance... Is it really their fault?
Should we stand up and point at them and say, "You fools! You never should have brought them into this world!" Do you think this is what they wanted? What they would have chosen for their child? Now here's the real question:
Do you really think they loved them any less... Having watched them struggle, having reached out to help, having given everything they had to give?
This was their child.
Their child made their choices.
Yet, I dare say, despite the failures they still loved and wanted the best for their child. Even if their child failed to receive it.