Tue 10 Aug, 2004 06:21 pm
Good evening.
I live in Virginia, a state that has been Repub for some 40 years when it comes to Presidential candidates. But we have had some Dems, including our current Gov and, several years ago, the first black Gov in the south. But, when it comes to Presidential elections, our 13 electoral votes always go to the Repubs.
I am a liberal Dem so I have grown accustomed to losing in my forty years of voting.
But this year, for a confluence of reasons, Virginia is "in play."
I was home today, and the phone rang. The phone rang a lot. I dismissed the telemarketers, of course, but I was surprised to hear from THREE different polling companies wanting to take my pulse on Virginia.
The last one was interesting from NPR/PBS-McNeil/Lehrer (sp?) offering $75 plus breakfast and lunch if I would agree to participate in a "discussion" of issues (filmed for possible inclusion on PBS).
Anyway, how do y'all in OH or FL or NM or wherever feel about being "in play?"
WOW! Go for it, John. Do we get to see you on TV or something?
Well, I don't know what it's like to live in a state that's "in play." Illinois has been "out of play" from the very beginning of the campaign. No presidential visits, no campaign commercials, no attack ads, no polling organizations calling, no earnest young volunteers knocking on doors, no roadblocks for motorcades, no security sweeps by the Secret Service -- nothing.
It's fantastic!
Letty --I doubt it. I would (will) end up on the "cutting room floor" as its known in film.
Did you know , though, that johnboy has been in a movie? Long ago, and far away, johnboy was on screen for about ten seconds in an absolutely dreadful South African film. Back then, in 1974 or so, johnboy had long brown hair that touched his shoulders and did I mention the ear-ring.
Back to topic, though. How does FL look, Letty?
Well since Florida was big time in play last election and it was damn embarrassing I'd like to see less play. Unfortunately I think Florida is goin Bush and it won't be close.
I ended up on the cutting room floor, too, John. Hey bed to be..tomorrow
I would love to be in play. Politics is grand sport. I feel I am forced to watch from the sidelines.
Seen any good attack ads lately? (I haven't <sigh>)
Johnboy, I have been bombarded with invitations to luncheons; telephone calls; flyers, etc. but ignore them all. Keep us apprised of your discussion possibility.
As to your film debut, I was an extra in a movie that never got released, and now I know why. Quite a cast, though: Jillian Anderson, some kid that starred in Biloxi Blues, and a host of others. At the end of the day, they gave us $5.00. I remember telling the producer: Glad I didn't quit my day job.
All the attack ads are being outsourced.
$75! Dangit, why couldn't I live in a swing state?
Wisconsin's in play. Wish it wasn't.
This is giving me an idea
Many of us in boring states miss the action. Many of you in swing states are complaining about all the attention. There is an obvious solution here.
Let's swap houses for a couple of months! From how I understand it, it only takes 30 days to establish residency. I can have my vote count, be courted by candidates and listen to ads that are aimed to entertain and move me. I can even attend campaign rallies where I will see a real candidate!
You can live in blissful peace away from relevence. Your vote already counted and secure.
What say you?
Euuuu! I can't have you voting Nadir from my state.
You can't have my vote. As they say in Chicago: vote early and vote often.
Daly-what a name in the voting annals.
There's some law about how far away from a polling place you are allowed to campaign. Well, when I went to my polling place (a Ukrainian church) in Chi town, there were fat Chicago cops manning the doors, wearing buttons for their guys, pointedly talking politics with each other, and eyeballing all the babushkas as they shuffled their way inside. It had the feel of real American history, anyway...
I'm so in play! (Ohio.) Love it love it love it.
Encouraging anecdotal evidence, meant to write it down somewhere, here's as good as anywhere...
I went to a festival yesterday in Upper Arlington, which kept coming up when I was doing Columbus research as this major Bush-backing powerhouse, fundraising colossus, etc. (It's rich.) So I went to this festival, and there were a bunch of Kerry stickers on people's shirts and stuff -- I went looking for the source, and found a Kerry table. I talked with the nice people there, all sporting "UA for Kerry" t-shirts. They blew up a nice big helium "Kerry/ Edwards for Prez" balloon for sozlet. I asked for a sticker, and they said with a look of wonderment, "We're all out!!" Evidently there were WAY many more takers than they expected. This was only about an hour in to a 5-hour festival, too.
Anyway, I don't live in UA, but I signed up to do whatever I can, be put in touch with the people in my area. I can't tell you how happy I am to be able to do something proactive, something beyond just my own vote.
(touche panzade! :-) )
(I'd ask ebrown who he'd vote for if he was in a state that was in play, but I think I like it better when we're not snarling at each other... ;-) )
Hi and thank you for your responses. I am a bit of a political junkie so it is great, really great, to live in a state that is "in play."
WI: Sorry you are unhappy, patiodog. Last poll I saw there was 8/2 (a Repub one) and showed Kerry up 49 to 46. Nader could be a factor.
FL: On 8/4, Kerry 50-43. That seems hard to believe.
MA: Kerry 56-30. Not surprising.
OH: Strap yourself in, Sozobe. The most recent poll was a Repub one on 8/3 and showed Mr Bush up 49-45. Ohio could turn out to be decisive.
VA: Bush 49-46 as of 7-31. rjb-