Sat 6 Feb, 2016 06:12 am
I met him at our family reunion party,like a donation,in my father's native town.I had a crush on him as soon as I see,like it was love at first sight.His sister,cousins,he and I spent a week together,hanging out a lot.He seems like he likes me too,he pays attention to me when I talk,pr he sometimes teases me a little too.He asked me for my facebook account,but unfortunately I didn't have one that time,so I missed the big chance to be in contact with him.On the last day we met,he asked me if I have a BOYFRIEND!!!!I wanna tease him so I said I had maybe five or six ex boyfriends.He gasped,turned around,like a bit negative feeling.But I said I was teasing,I have no boyfriend at all,and then he looked a bit happier.I have been having a crush on only him for a year...and now I could contact him on usual he teases me.
What should I do?I think I should confess but I want him to open first...and if I got refused,it would be embarassing,or if he told somebody about it,I would be in a big trouble if my parents found out.
Or how can I make him fall for me??Please help me!!
@Julie Latt,
What about talking on the telephone?
@Ragman,'s a good idea but...we are in different countries so it's a bit difficult to contact.
@Julie Latt,
Why is that? In many locations, as you have Internet access, there are many low-cost international calling plans.
Also there's Skype..which allows free international calls. I speak to (and view on cam) a friend in Switzerland from US on a daily basis. This most likely has a simple inexpensive solution.
Wow thanks to you,I had a great idea.But maybe just I'm a bit of nervous...