Is this some sort of test?
If I thought you were a sentient being, I'd speculate that it was either a psychological experiment or else an attempt to determine the parameters of your environment by posting something odd to see how the pseudo-sentients respond.
Your post has a superficial appearance of mental illness, but has an underlying coherence that belies that and suggests contrivance.
As-if interpretations would include someone bored but whimsical; someone attempting to elicit responses from the mentally ill by means of the sort of illogical, disjointed and peculiar statements that might stimulate a similarly disordered response; or a student or professional psychiatrist performing an experiment.
I guess I'm supposed to ask about the "very distinct noise" but instead I'll confine myself to pointing out that, inconsistent with the title of your topic, you didn't mention paper fibers or ask a question about them.
Still, I have to admit that this is one of the more interesting posts to A2K that I've seen, and I'll be looking forward to your reply to my comment.
Incidentally, without adding a forum tag, your post appears only in the New Topics list.