ebrown_p wrote:
Do you think it was right that blacks couldn't go to the same schools, live in the same neighborhoods or even drink from the same faucets as whites?
FDR was a Dem, right? Japanese internment mean anything to you?
Hugo Black, successful Dem, KKK member.
Senator Robert Byrd, ditto
In fact, if you cast aside your revisionist history and actually look at facts, you will find that a republican freed the slaves.
How about that!
ebrown_p wrote:
Do you think it is right the homosexuals could be denied jobs, housing and even physically attacked?
Are you saying straight people are never denied jobs, housing or get physically attacked? Cause if you are I want a toke of what you are puffing brother!
ebrown_p wrote:
Do you think we should not teach evolution in the schools in spite of the fact that it is universally accepted by the scientific community because of religious beliefs of the powerful.
I think schools should have open curriculums, not exclusionary ones. Most Dems want to limit the agenda to an indoctrination of the theory of evolution as fact, rather than promote an open discussion of all possible origions of life. That kind of bigotry saddens me.
ebrown_p wrote:
Do you think we should go back to the time when when women died in back alley clinics because they couldn't get the medical services they needed.
There never was a time when committing crimes was safe, was there?
ebrown_p wrote:
I am proud of the progress we have made as a society. It was because progressive people (almost exclusively Democrats) were willing to let their voice be heard. Republicans have always seemed to be against social progress.
Dems stand for a narrow social agenda, any belief as long as it is theirs, that wasn't progress when the church did it in the dark ages, and it isn't progress now.
ebrown_p wrote:
Now we are still moving forward, and you are still opposing progress. You can yell all you want, but look at what we have accomplished. We got our troops out of Viet Nam. We got Nixon out of the White House, and now we even have legal gay marriages.
Nothing to be proud of there.
ebrown_p wrote:
Sorry buddy. But you are on the wrong side of history.
Sorry, but you dems were for slavery, for Japanese internment, for the "Klanbake convention", fillibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which the republicans managed to get passed anyway, and the list goes on.
Don't play your revisionist history here, it won't fly. Try sticking with the truth.