Quote:Why would any intelligent human being literally believe in ancient metaphorical stories of creation as if they were literally real
What strikes me as remarkable about the creation story (in Genesis) is not how outlandish or childish it is but its basic scientific accuracy.
Given that the science of physics and astronomy was limited to noticing the seasons and that there was no vocabulary to express things like physics of the Big Bang, 'Let there be Light' is as close to the literal truth as you could hope to express at the time. The very idea of 'a Beginning' is as radical and counterintuitive an idea as one could imagine. It would be more logical and 'evidence based' to believe as physicists actually did up until the early 20th century - that the universe was eternal and static.
The only reason that accepting the basic facts of the 'creation story' could be called 'childish' was that it was thousands of years ahead of the science that verified it. The only real bone of contention is the role of God in it. If you want to say that's a childish belief, that's a different story.