Actually, the coin-flip situation is a bit more complicated. I read the CNN article, the Snopes article, and one from the Des Moines Register (the latter having called for an audit of the election results).
The sole source for the "Sanders won six of seven" claim is Sam Lau, spokesman for the Iowa Democratic Party. Lau says that these results were recorded by a cellphone app, and that appears to be the source of CNN's story. But the Snopes article says that they can't verify that:
"As of 2 February 2016, we were unable to locate any information supporting that app-gleaned data supported either claim: that Sanders won nearly all the coin tosses, or that Clinton was almost entirely favored by the random flips."
Snopes also, in the summary of its results, uses "undetermined" to describe the issues of "Whether Hillary Clinton won six out of six (or seven) coin tosses in Iowa in 2016; how many coin tosses occurred; the specific breakdown of coin toss results".
Note also that there may be more than one set of coin flips involved: a set supposedly recorded by the app, and a set documented by videos and eyewitnesses. Here's what the Des Moines Register says:
"Lau said seven coin flips were reported statewide through the app, and Bernie Sanders won six of them.
"The Des Moines Register has identified six coin flips through social media and one in an interview with a caucus participant. Of those seven, Clinton was the apparent winner of six. It's unknown if there is any overlap between the coin flips identified by the Register and the coin flips the state party confirmed."
At the end of the same article the newspaper says:
"The Register has been collecting reports of coin toss wins, reported on Twitter and YouTube. These are unverified by the Iowa Democratic Party and one of the reasons the newspaper has requested the voting records.
"Clinton won in a precinct in Des Moines, at another precinct in Des Moines, in Newton, in West Branch and in Davenport.
"Sanders won a flip in Hardin Township in Johnson County."