I have long expressed my desires for a single payer healthcare system. Hopefully that hasn't been over looked.
I am opposed to Citizens United and I do not believe that corporations are people.
I do not support raising minimum wage.
I support coming to the US through legal channels and if you are here illegally, you are breaking the law and should be sent packing.
I support the Keystone Pipeline.
I support renewable energy but know Nuclear is really the way to go.
I support background checks, but once you pass, you should be allowed any non-military gun you want in any amount and for any reason. (Obviously not intending to break the law, but hunting, sport shooting, collecting, protection). I do not support sueing gun companies, they didn't do the crime. Sue the criminals.
Sexual assault is bad, mmmm-kay?
Marijuana and a large assortment of other drugs should be legalized and taxed.
Private prisons should go away. Police need to be accountable for their actions, peoples property
more laster