Fri 15 Jan, 2016 06:09 pm
I started with a thousand dollars, almost no capital. The interesting thing about the business that we started was that — because we were selling directly to the customer — the customer would pay us, often, right at the time we shipped the product. So we were able to get credit lines from suppliers and we had what’s known as a negative cash conversion cycle, which is a very good thing in a business like ours. We still have that today and it helps us generate significant positive free cash flow.
“Well, we started the company by building to the customer’s order. And, interestingly enough, we didn’t do it because we saw some massive paradigm in the future. Basically, we just didn’t have any capital (to mass produce).”
I'm not clear about this. Could you put it in easier English?
A paradigm is a way of viewing the world, or a way of doing things (the latter in this case).
The overall text is describing a way of doing business that is apparently quite successful.
The text in red is saying that when they came up with this way of doing business, it was not because they envisioned that it would become a highly successful way of doing business.
The last text (after the red text) is saying that the reason why they did things that way is because they couldn't afford to do things the traditional way.