Peru and NewZealand tie for 5th
this is all hell bent on the dream that I would actually leave the US, of which I still have much to explore, and that I could fly without ill effect
Some of you included India in your list. Also, in another 'travel' forum, somebody mentioned the iron pole that doesn't show any rust, and I promised to post a picture of it. This first photo is called the "Qutb Minar," and it's the oldest monument in Delhi. It's 240 feet high with a base diameter of 45 feet.
This second picture is called the "iron enigma," because this pillar has remained rust-free over 1,600 years. It has Sanskrit inscriptions which honors Vishnu in memory of a 4th century Gupta King. c.i.
Re: Your Top 5 Travel Destinations
celticclover wrote:New Zealand was named by Lonely Planets guides( a backpackers bible) as being in the Top 5 Destinations for 2003, along with Cambodia, China, Turkey and Cuba.
So my questions to you all is:
Whether you know all or nothing about any given place, whats your Top 5 Destinations if magically you had the money, time and airfares booked to go in 12 hours time?
My Top 5 to plan to visit:
- South America - Peru, Brazil
- Cambodia
- Egypt
- South Europe - Spain, Greece
- New Zealand, Australia
life travel
my fantastic destination in the world:
and the final stop of my life belongs to Nirvana
hk traveller and koolplay, WELCOME to A2K.
hk, You included Spain as one of your choice, and it's a good one, because different parts of Spain have different characteristics, culture influence, and geology. It's very diverse between north, east, south and west, and it feels like you're in a different country. A good pick.
koolplay, I've been to Egypt twice, and I concur it's a good choice. It has one of the last seven wonders of the world that remains to be seen - the pyramids of Giza. If and when you go, don't miss Abu Simbel to see Ramses II's temples. c.i.
Italy, all of it (haven't been to the south).
Ireland, haven't been there at all.
Spain, long on my list
Brazil....have wanted to go for a long time.
England, London mainly. Have only been to the airport for a couple of hours.
If one of those falls through, Japan.
Let me express my many thanks for the gracious gift of the tickets and expenses!
osso, I love your optimism.

It's a paradox, Charli: I have loved travelling since I was a child. Perhaps I should have done that somehow as a career. But then I wouldn't love it so much. I could travel much more now if I had had better financial sense at an early age than dreamy wanderlust.
I didn't mention Mexico, which I know you love. I care about it too.
hello,cicerone imposter!
i do really admire you that you have been to Egypt twice.Egypt is the country to which i dream to pay a visit.
i am a university student in shanghai of China.and i major in tourism adminstration.what i learn now is to become a international guide that will allow me to travel the world over.
do you have any photos which you took in Egypt?can you share it with me?
what attracts me most is the mystery of the Egypt.but i have no time now due to i have to take classes everyday!
how many countries have you been to?can you tell me?
have you ever been to China?
Hi koolplay, I've been to China twice; the first time in 1992, and the last in 2000 when I took my younger son with me. I've always wanted to do the Yangtse cruise before the flooding, but missed it.
I'll post some Egypt photos for you, but it'll take a little time, because I must scan them before posting them on to A2K. c.i.
This picture was taken from our room balcony at the Mena House Oberoi located next to the Pyramids of Giza. It was awesome, because the restaurant also faces the Pyramids, and you can gaze at the Pyramids while eating. It's almost Nirvana. c.i.
thanks for your nice picture!
oh it is too priviledged that you have been to China you think that my county has a great change?
do you believe China is a country full of dynamics,power,chance?
koolplay, Yes, China has great potential and a chance to become a great world player. I've seen much change between the two times I visited China; all very impressive. The new Beijing International Airport was a dramatic change from the old shack they used the first time I visited. In Shanghai, the farm land across from the Bund was completely changed with a new tv tower and other constructions. BTW, I went up the t.v. tower, but felt like a sardine with all the visitors. <g> I have also noticed the new developed area in Beijing with nice shops and restaruants. The increased number of high school graduates continuing on to college is also impressive - from 10 percent to 30 percent. These are all necessary steps for China to improve their economy. Even when I first visited China, our tour guide in Beijing, Ben, told us that if we return to China in five years, we will not recognize it. He was right! Beijing streets and sidewalks used to be littered with spit and trash. On my last visit there, it was immaculately clean - an impossible task for any other city in the world with such a large population. c.i.
Romania--small village at the foot of the Carpathians.
Coastal, rural Ireland.
Hill towns overlooking the Mediterranean.
My sister and the Pyramids. c.i.