eoe, Quebec is a very good alternative to actually traveling to Europe. It has the feel of Europe, but it's actually only a few miles north of the border. The Med cruise is very good; don't miss Mykonos, Santorini, Crete, Ephesus, Istanbul, and Athens. All the other islands are good too, but the ones I listed should be on your don't miss list. c.i.
Iceland (not right now though - brrr)
southern S America
littlek, Italy like Spain has many different ambiance, most of which are tourist friendly. I've not visited any place south of Rome, but have visited Venice several times. Venice, unfortunately, is in the throes of drowning, and gets flooded every year. I think the Italian government is considering the building of some barrier to protect it. If you go to Italy, do not miss Venice. c.i.
Funny, I listed Tuscany first, but next to the whole of australia it looked to small..... And, I think I'd like to visit more than just Tuscany. I'd like to see the northern mountains, some islands, the east shore, and points S of Rome. I'm really not that interested in the cities.
United Kingdom
USA (East Coast)
Unfortunately, I have never been in any of these places...
5) The Barn and Outbuilings
4) The Paddock
3) The Office/Computer Corner
2) My Recliner in front of The Big TV with The Sound System cranked to "Structural Damage"
And ..... Oh, migawd ... It's a Tie!
In Number one, The Kitchen (Food and Drink) and The Bedroom (Decent TV/Sound/Computer) share first place!
I've done a lot of traveling, pleasure and business (have you ever had to check the phonebook on the nightstand to make sure you were in the town you hoped you were ... stone-cold-sober all the while?) ... haven't been everywhere, haven't even been everywhere I might like to have been. Been a few places I'd rather not have been, too. Now, I'm pretty comfortable with where I am. When the urge hits, there's a major airport a couple hours or so away. But any more, I mostly like places I can walk to.
timber, Thank god, I wasn't imaginng things by myself. I thought I was the only one with that secret - not knowing which town I was in without looking at the phone book! "That" nightmare has been with me for over thirty years, when I had to hop on an airplane once or twice every week. Whew!

LOL c.i.
JD, It's interesting that you picked India as your #1 pick. There are many interesting things to see and do, but don't expect their infrastructure to be developed. Many of their roads are potted roads with no street lights. Airlines are not always dependable, and many places do not have "western" type toilets. But, if you are adventurous, it's a fantastic destination. The contrast between the rich and poor is everywhere, and most of the big cities are very crowded with humanity and cows. They have some of the most beautiful hotels, palaces, and shrines, and ofcoarse the Taj Mahal. That's what attracted me to India, and I haven't regretted one minute of my visit to their country. c.i.
1 The forests of northern California
2 The Canadian Rockies & British Columbia
3 Mardi Gras in New Orleans, but only from
a 2nd story room with a balcony on Bourbon
4 The very very south of South America
5 The Yukon territory
babs, Interesting to see that you chose "the very very south of South America. I was there last November, and sailed around Cape Horn, and visited the southernmost city of the world, Ushuaia.

It's beautiful down there - in their summer.

Am I permitted to say, "Mexico, Mexico, Mexico, Mexico, and Mexico"? 'Though we've visited many countries throughout the world and various parts of Mexico numerous times - and even after having lived in Mexico for two years while we taught school - we are here, but our hearts are there! As we travel on our way home, we are planning our return. It's the people. "Feel the warmth of Mexico." Yes, many places were wonderful and we might like to return ... and to travel to others ... always Mexico beckons. [/size][/color]
I know exactly what you mean, Charli. Everybody is an "amigo" in Mexico, and they always smile.

Thank you, Charli. I have enjoyed my travels to Mexico, but my wife doesn't like any destination with the majority in proverty. The Mexicans in California is a good reflection of Mexico, because they are 'almost' the same with their generosity and respect for elders. c.i.
Thanks Charli, I try to bring good will to all the destinations to which I travel. We must overcome the "ugly American" syndrome around the world, esepcially now, with our administration hell-bent in ruining our goodwill around the world. c.i.
1. Alaska (to ski perfect powder snow)
2. New Zealand (to see my brother and the beautiful place - in summer!)
3. India (I've been before, but I love it so much and I've got friends there now)
4. French Polynesia (scuba diving with a certain woman)
5. Japan (I've heard so much about it but never been)
1. Florida- got hooked the first time...
2. Sweden- Ma, I'm home!
3. Austria- The food, the scenery.
4. The Caribbean- I can't live without sun
5. New England- Europe in the states